The breakfast

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Freen's pov

Yesterday's dinner was good, like very good. I enjoyed it a lot.

Becky matured a lot more than 4 years ago. And I'm glad that she won't give up on us and is willing to wait for me.

Actually yesterday's dinner erased a lot of my doubts. And I'm falling for her more.

Right now I'm getting ready for the presentation, Becky said the presentation will be at Armstrong's company. So i have to get there at 10 am.

I got ready and got down. I saw my family eating breakfast together. I went beside them to eat.

"Hey kiddo, how's the presentations going" pa asked. I gave him a stern look

"What?" He asked

"You planned it right ?" I asked him and he just chuckled

"I'm innocent here baby" he said and i rolled my eyes.

I scoffed, but my attention got diverted when my phone started to ring. I looked at it and my face lit up. It's Finn.

I quickly took the call.

"Hey my baby boy" I said and he smiled

"Mamaaaaa, i miched you" he said in a cute voice

"Aww i missed you too my baby" I said and gave him a flying kiss.

"Mama, dada said you'll be coming with dada to see Finn" he said excitedly. And i chucked at his cuteness

"Yes baby, I'll be there tonight na" I said and he yelled happily.

I got a call from Becky too

"Baby mama has to go now, I'll see you tonight na" i said and he nodded

"I woow you mama" he said

"I love you too baby, take care na" i said and ended the call.

I called Becky back.

"Hey" I said

"Hey, I'm outside if you want we could go together" she said and i looked at my family

"Ok, did you eat by the way" i asked her but I didn't get any response from her.

"Rebecca" i yelled

"Fine I'll eat at the office" she said and i scoffed.

"Come inside, well leave after you eat" I said and she said fine.

After 2 minutes she came back. I went to the kitchen to make some eggs for her.

After I came back I saw her talking to my parents.

"Here" I said and gave her a plate.

"Thank you babe" she said i nodded

I looked at my family and they were looking at me

"What" i asked them

"Just tell us when is the marriage, so that we could arrange everything" pa said and i glared at him. Backy choked on her food. I gave her some water

"Pa" I whined

"What, you guys have a son already and you both love each other. Just marry and make it official" he added. I just rolled my eyes

"I'll let you know uncle, but first she has to say yes to be my girlfriend" Becky said and i glared at her

"What, she still haven't said yes" pa asked Becky and she nodded

"Stop playing hard to get game Freen" he said

"Stop talking and eat I don't wanna be late" I said and she ate the food.

After eating i bid my goodbyes to my family and went with Becky.

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