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My mind was blank as I saw all the blood on the floor. Blank and filled with a thousand thoughts, but I couldn't grasp any of them. They just kept coming and coming, just like the blood from my best friend's body beside me.

What had I done? How could I have done this?

My eyes slid over to the words in Aegon's notebook and the words I had spoke in from of the mirror. They had given off a purple light before it turned black and slid into Autumn, evaporating into her skin, making her still and collapse.

I slammed my hand against the pages, the beautiful cursive words that Autumn and I had practiced for so long. My chest ached to go back in time. To stop myself from saying them. To make her say them instead. Autumn didn't deserve this.

I must have started to scream because when I gasped, needing air in my lungs, a sudden quietness hung in the air.

"What have you done?" I heard a voice and turned my head.

Pansy Parkins.

I opened my mouth, to try to explain but nothing could come to my mind. My thoughts were the same word over and over.




The looks on pansy's face slowly brought the bigger picture to my attention. The fact that I had killed my best friend. There would be consequences, besides the vast loss I felt in the pit of my soul.

She ran out of the room and I had no desire to follow or explain. My hands found their way back to Autumn. Suddenly a movement came from her, but it wasn't her own. It was like something crawling inside of her, lifting her body only a few inches in the air.

I watched as color started to drain from her skin and form itself as a white glow and start seeping into the mirror.

"No!" I realized what was happening but it was too late. The mirror was claiming her soul like it had probably claimed Aegon's a year ago.

I clawed at the mirror as the last bit of light drained from her and slipped away into the glass. I punched it as hard as I could, making my knuckles bleed. I heard a crack but felt no pain as I slammed into the mirror again and again.

"Take me instead!" I begged, my head against the mirror.


Snape was the first to the scene where he found me bloody and raw, still wet with tears. He went to Autumn first, his hands running across her stoney, lifeless body. He seemed to be examining her, probably trying to figure out what happened. He didn't bother asking me. I wouldn't have been able to speak if he had, my throat was so hoarse from screaming and crying.

Next all the headmasters and Dumbledore entered. They too, didn't ask my any questions. I got the feeling that they didn't want to yet. They were afraid of what I was going to say. I knew how the scene looked. Dead girl on the floor, the other covered in blood, knuckles bloody and delirious.

I looked like a killer.

Killer (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now