Chapter 17; 3. 2. 1. We're Fucked.

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Cassie pov

*ten days later*

"You sure you guys are okay?" Liam asked me and Eleanor. Him, Louis, and Niall were about to leave, but we weren't exactly feeling well. I guess the flue had been going around.

"We're fine. We're not gonna die or something." I replied.

"Hey, you never know? My hamster got sick, and then died!" Louis said, making me roll my eyes.

"Lou, sweety, we're not hamsters." Eleanor said kissing him.

"Yeah we're good. I promise. We'll just sit here and watch glee." I smiled. Niall hated it when I watched that show. But hey, I was hooked from the first second of it.

"Okay, we can leave em here. They got there little glee show." Niall rolled his eyes. "Want anything Cass?" He asked.

"Chocolate, please please please!" I begged.

"Anything for you baby." He kissed my temple, making me smile.

"Yay!" I cheered. "Thanks baby."


"Hey Cass?" Eleanor asked, getting my attention.

"Yeah Elly?" I said, using my own nickname for her.

"I've been thinking for a few days now. And I'm quite scared, I mean this is a every thought. I never had to worry about this, and you and me, well we both did at the same time-"

"Get on with it, Ell!" I said cutting her off.

"I think we both might be pregnant!" She exclaimed. My heart dropped. I never thought about that. What if she was right?

"Call Danny. Ask her to get pregnancy tests, and pronto before the boys get back." And she did.

We just had to wait for her.


"Here, I bought two of the best kinds, there's two bathrooms, hurry." Danny said rushing thought the front door.

"Oh God, thank you." I hugged her really quick, taking the baby predictor. Me and Elly went into two different bathrooms, and did are business on the sick.

We came out, with the tests in are hands.

"How long do we wait?" I asked.

"One more minute."

"Fuck, I've never been more scared in my life." I said trying not to flip.

"How did this happen? Didn't you guys use condoms?" Danny asked.

"Yeah we both did. That's why I'm confused."

"Fuck. Niall never switched him out, did he?"

"Danny, what are you talking about?" Said Eleanor.

"All the boys, and josh, their drummer, had a prank war. Josh decided to poke holes in Niall's condoms. Luckily he told him before he ever used em. I guess Niall forgot." Danial explained.

I looked down, and there it was. I was in complete and utter shock. A pink plus sign. I looked over at Eleanor and she broke down into sobs. That didn't sound good.

"What are we going to do?" I angrily said. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm against abortion. And God only knows, Niall's reaction. I'm fucked!"

"Hey, so am I. What am I going to do? My mom its going to kill me, the boys' fans are gonna be extra hard, and there rep will go down!" Elly was also freaking.

We're fucked, and pregnant.



I'm sorry its short again, and this book is almost over. But guess what! Its going to be a series. I guaranty you, three next book well be longer and better. :) I know the pregnancy thing was predictable, and you might think it will ruin the story, but it needs to be done, and its for the rest of the books. :)

And I have a request. I have another book. As you know, I mention my other book, I wanted out. It is an American horror story fiction. If you like this show, and Evan Peters, goo check it out. Please and thnx.




Ect. :)

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