Chapter 7; get caught then shot down

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"Um hi there Liam. What brings you home?" Niall asked, getting back up.

"Forgot my phone." What brings you on top of my sister?" Liam retorted, giving him an evil glare.

"Calm down, we were just playing around." I piped up. "And don't be so protective. I'm my own person."

"But that's one of my best friends. Doesn't mean you guys can play throat hockey."

"It was a small peck, Li." Niall said.

"That makes it so much better." Liam said sarcastically. "Right after you said you wouldn't do anything."

"Excuse me, you can't control me. I may be your sister, but we haven't even talked enough to be friends. Niall is the only one who's really talked me." I paused. "So far, you've been gone every chance you got."

"Maybe if you weren't such a fuck up!" Then he just stopped. "Cass, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean"

"Save it. It's fine." Tears weld up in my eyes, and I ran upstairs.

"Cassie, wait!" I heard Niall yell before I locked my door. I didn't have anything to use. So I scraped my finger nails over the skinon my arms. Over and over, till I knew there would be scars.



"Way to go, you fucking genius." I snapped.

"Hey, you know I didn't mean that!" Liam yelled back. "It just slipped out."

"That's not an excuse. She's been hurting all her life, and she got her new start. But she'll never let it happen if she's still letting it haunt her. You saying that, just makes it even worse."

"And I'm sorry. but it kills me to see one of you guys even having an interest into her. I don't want her getting hurt, even after her past. I feel like, if you guys ended up having a thing, and ended it, it would tear us apart, and we wouldn't be best friends anymore."

"But Li, I'm not Harry, or Zayne. I'm not a player. I can't leave a girl, and move on to another one. I like her. And she's a really cool gal. Just trust me. Please, I promise I won't do anything stupid, if we ever have a thing." I said truthfully.

"Okay." Liam sighed. "Should I talk to her?"

"I don't know. You might want to wait till later." I said. Maybe because I want to talk to her. "Just come back later, I'll try to soften her up."

"I trust you, Nialler." He said giving me a stern look. "Don't be stupid."

"I won't, just go." I gave him a trustworthy look.

"Alright." He said giving in.



"Go away!" I yelled after someone knocked on my door.

"It's just me." Niall said through the door. "May I please comer in." Then I forgot about my scrapes and scratches.

"No, you're going to hate me." I said with small tears. I've known this guy for two days, and I was liking him more. I didn't want to loose him as a friend.

"I can never do that, Cass. You're my new best friend."

"Still. I just made another mistake."

"Still. I don't care. Now open the door." I gave in but tried hiding my marks. I unlocked it and sat on my bed. "Come in." I called out.

"Are you okay?" He came in, and sat next to me.

"I feel awesome." I sarcastically said. Then he grabbed my hand.

"You know he's sorry, right? He's just jealous that we spend more time, then he does with you. I know it's not an excuse, but he does love you, like a sister he never had. He's afraid of me hurting you. But I would never do that. I'm not that kind of person." I lost it. I rushly kissed him. He was kissing back, as if he really wanted to. I hope he did.

"Sorry. Impulse thing." I backed off, and shyly smiled.

"It's okay. I liked it." He smiled back. Then he looked siren my arms. "Love, what happened to your arm?" Fuck.


Damn she got caught. Sorry it's short again. I promise I'll end up making a longer one. I have sooooooooooooo many ideas but yet I get writers block. I need a cure. T_T

Anyway, I hope you liked this one! Tell me what you think?

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