Chapter 5; rumors and lies don't mix well.

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"Well?" Liam said.

"Something bad happened over the news. I'm just comforting her." Niall responded.

"That's why me and Louis showed up." Soon though Louis came through, behind Liam. "Are you okay, Cassie?" Liam looked to me.

"Yeah. I'm sorry guys. None of that stuff is true, except my mom being a whore and doing drugs." I shakily sighed. "I didn't want anybody to really find out." I looked down.

"Cass, we don't care." Louis said. "You're like are new sister now, and the past is the past. Screw what the tabloids say."

"Thanks guys. Its just really frustrating, and it's hard to get used to."

"Well you definitely can't go to school now." Liam said. What?!

"You're kidding me, right?" I gaped. "I have to go to school, get an education, and go to college!" I shouted in disbelief.

"Well, more you can't, you're screwed."

"Unbelievable." I muttered. "Can you guys leave? I just really want to take a shower." They all shook there head and left.



"What was that?" Liam asked me.

"What was what?" I responded confused.

"Her head was on your shoulder, and Zayn said you guys were hanging out earlier." Gee thanks, zayn.

"Just. Friends." I slowly said. "She's a really cool person, and we're just friends. I'm not going to screw her and leave her."

"Well your not doing anything. She's my sister, you can hang out, that's it." Liam recleared like he did when we first met his sister.

"Liam, I'm sorry, but have you even tried to talk to her since she's been here? I mean, about anything? Are you guys alike at all, besides some looks?" He just stared at me. "Exactly. Just friends, abs if I develop any feelings, you'll be theeeeee first one to know. But she can't be single forever. Wether it's me, or some other douche bag. Can you trust me though?" I asked.

"Fine. But I will be the first one to know. The very first."

"Oh good. Because just to tell you... I ask starting to like her." I said trying to not smile.

"Dear God Niall, why do I have to be the one to kill you in the end." He muttered, rubbing his temples.

"So does this mean Niall got dibs?" Louis said after a long pause. Liam just turned his head to faced him, with a glare.

"Shut up Lou." Liam said. "And, Niall, I really don't want you dating her. But IF and ONLY IF she likes you, I will approve. Just don't manipulate her please. She's been through shit, and she can't go though anymore stress."

"Mmhmm." I shook my head.


I'm very sorry this was short. But it can't be that bad. And sorry for mistakes, I'm uploading these from my phone. Sooooooooooooo Yeaaaah.

Btw. I DON'T APPROVE OF CUTTING! I just put it in the story line, so it could go well. My best friend cuts, and it breaks my heart. I love her, but I can't do anything. :( but u hope you loved it. :) tell your friends! I want my story out, to see if people like it. Plz and thnx. :)

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