chap. 𝐕

149 11 19

「don't even know you but i can't get you outta' my mind.」
outta my mind - monsune

」outta my mind - monsune

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"so...what's up with that nickname you keep calling y/n?" Sokka piped up while we were relaxing on Appa's back.

"what nickname?" Toph picked the dirt between her toes in disinterest. the boy cocked a brow with a smug smile and i rolled my eyes, "you've called me princess multiple times, for whatever reason."

"ohh! well i don't know, that's just the kind of vibe you give off." she nodded, as if agreeing with herself.

"the vibe... i give off?" i chuckled and crossed my arms, leaning in.

"yeah! you know what i mean." the blind girl shrugged. "the kind of rich, precious attitude nobility tend to have!" Sokka snickered at her words.


Aang interrupted, seemingly annoyed by our banter. "guys, the sun is setting, we should land and set up camp for the night." he looked back at us with a slight twitch from his eye, making the three of us quiet down immediately.

"hey, you guys picked a great campsite. the grass is so soft."
Toph exclaimed as she hopped off from Appa and onto the ground, flexing her feet muscles.
"...that's not grass, Appa's shedding." Sokka pointed out.

"oh, gross!" Katara flinched in disgust.

"it's not gross though, my cat deer used to do that all the time too." i ran my fingers through the bison's heavy white coat.

Aang nodded, "y/n's right, it's just a part of spring. you know, rebirth, flowers blooming," a bird landed on his head at a perfect time, magnifying his speech. "and Appa gets a new coat!" he grinned truthfully.

Katara came over to my side, joining me in petting Appa behind the ear. she smiled "ah, the beauty of spring."
the bison growled and brutally sneezed, sending fur flying everywhere.

the tan girl tried shielding herself from the falling snowy coat. "stop! Appa, stop!" she coughed and i shook my head, attempting to get most of the fur out of my hair.

"it's not that bad Katara!" her brother played with the fur before turning back to us with a brand new furcut. "it makes a great wig." he smiled cheekily, in a 'ta-da' pose before the avatar jumped down with a similar appearance.
"and a great beard!" the two boys laughed at the other's face.

the waterbender sighed, brushing the rest of the fur off her clothing "i'm just glad we finally have more girls in the group, because you two are disgusting!" she latched onto my shoulder pulling me in for a side hug i gladly shared.

the earthbender girl walked in between Aang and Sokka innocently.
"excuse me, does anyone have a razor...because i got some hairy pits!" she lifted up her arms exposing the clumps of white fur she'd tucked into her sleeves, making the three of them fall into a pit of laughter which i quickly joined, leaving Katara to chuckle softly at the four of us.

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