Chapter 2: The Art Of Kidnapping

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(This chapter is mostly Y/n's POV but in the future chapters will be longer and be from multiple perspectives just like the book)


After four years, the dreaded eleventh night of the eleventh month had arrived. In the late-day sun, the square had become a hive of preparation for the School Master's arrival. The men sharpened swords, set traps, and plotted the night's guard, while the women lined up the children and went to work. Handsome ones had their hair lopped off, teeth blackened, and clothes shredded to rags; homely ones were scrubbed, swathed in bright colors, and fitted with veils. Mothers begged the best-behaved children to curse or kick their sisters, the worst were bribed to pray in church, while the rest in line were led in choruses of the village anthem: "Blessed Are the Ordinary."

Fear swelled into a contagious fog. In a dim Alley, the butcher and blacksmith traded storybooks for clues to save their sons. Beneath the crooked clock tower, two sisters listed fairy-tale villain names to hunt for patterns. A group of boys chained their bodies together, a few girls hid on the school roof, and a masked child jumped from bushes to spook his mother, earning a spanking on the spot. Even the homeless hag got into the act, hopping before a meager fire, croaking, "Burn the storybooks! Burn them all!" But no one listened and no books were burned. Still, the words gave Y/n a foreboding feeling.

Agatha gawped at all this in disbelief. "How can a whole town believe in fairy tales?"
"Because they're real." Sophie said casually.
Agatha stopped walking, pulling Y/n and Sophie backwards, as they where still holding each others arms, and almost making Y/n and Sophie fall. "You can't actually believe the legend is true."
"Of course I do," said Sophie.
"Do you also believe the delusions, Y/n? That a School Master kidnaps two children, takes them to a school where one learns Good, one learns Evil, and they graduate into fairy tales?"
"Well, I'm not sure." Y/n said. "But I think so." She didn't want to open up about were she came from, not here with so much people at least.
"You've been around Sophie too much." Agatha said with a tired sigh.
"What's that supposed to mean?" said Sophie.
"Okay, if we entertain this idea," said Agatha, ignoring Sophie's question. "What, pray tell, do they teach at this school exactly?"
"Well, in the School for Good, they teach boys and girls like me how to become heroes and princesses, how to rule kingdoms justly, how to find Happily Ever After," Sophie said. "In the School for Evil, they teach you how to become wicked witches and humpbacked trolls, how to lay curses and cast evil spells."
"Evil spells?" Agatha cackled. "Who came up with this? A four-year old?"
"Well, father's books must come from somewhere." Y/n said. "And multiple of the children who disappeared have been in the books, you can see their pictures. Jack, Estra, Rapunzel-"
"I don't see anything, because I don't read dumb storybooks."
"Then why is there a stack by your bed?" Sophie asked. Agatha scowled.
"Look, who's to say the books are even real? Maybe it's the Elder's who's just making fairy tales and leaving them to keep children out of the woods. Whatever the explanation is it isn't a School Master and it isn't evil spells."
"So who's kidnapping the children?" Sophie questioned.
"No one. Every four years, two idiots sneak into the woods, hoping to scare their parents, only to get lost or eaten by wolves, and there you have it." Y/n looked around and saw people staring at them. Y/n took a new grip on Agatha and Sophie's arms and started to walk away with them.
"Let's just go." Y/n said.
"Where?" Sophie asked as she looked at Belle, who had shaved her head and was at this moment smearing mud over her face. Sophie had this sick smile on her face that almost looked at little deranged.
"Away from people."


As the sun weakened into a red orb, the three girls sat side by side on the shore of a lake.
"Why did you bring us here?" Sophie asked, who started to unpack some cucumbers she had packed in a silk pouch.
"Well, people started to stare, you weren't exactly quiet." Y/n said and laid down on her back. Agatha did the same, Sophie didn't lay down however (she didn't want sand in her hair). "And it also seemed like one of you two would end up getting hurt over the whole argument. And... And I have something I want to show you." Y/n picked up the glowing star from her pocket.
"Ooo! Shiny!" Sophie said and stared at it in awe.
"What is it? Why is it glowing like that?" Agatha questioned while trying to get a closer look at it.
"I don't know. My father said he found it when he found me," said Y/n. "He says he found me with his usual box full of books that comes every so often. And that I came with this star and an empty letter with the mark of SGE."
Sophie gasped in amazement. "Maybe you come from the fairy tale world!" Said Sophie, excitement filling her voice.
"Of course she isn't." Agatha said and sat up, trying to be reasonable. "Someone who just wanted to get rid of their baby probably just saw the box on Mr. Deauville's porch and left her there."
"Then how do you explain that glowing star thing?" Sophie said.
"I can't believe you're magical Y/n! Maybe you actually are my fairy godmother, and we were destined to meet! Just think of what amazing things we might do together! And you'll help me find my prince, and-"
"Slow down there Sophie." Y/n said, who now also sat up and giggled at Sophie's fantasies. "I don't think I'm magical. I'm just normal, and I just want to live a normal life."

(kinda) Yandere SGE various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now