Chapter 3: The Great Mistake

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Y/n opened her eyes as she she bloomed out of the ground, first her head, then her neck, then her chest and then up and up until she stood on flower filled ground. She winced at the sudden sunlight. It can't be day already. But it was clearly already daylight outside.
She looked around and saw girl after girl, all quite pretty, bloom out of the ground. And around her were talking flowers, some even seemed to be talking about her with their gestures they made with their leaves and buds that seemed to work like hands.
"I feel a little underdressed" She mumbled as she looked at all the other girls in pretty dresses and nice hair. Instead she had her dirty work clothes and hair full of leaves and sticks after her "adventure" in the woods, but she quickly tidied up her hair to at least look slightly presentable.

Suddenly fairies of different colors, three of them with glittery wings, started to fly around her. One started to dust off the dirt she had on her, which was much appreciated, one gave her a cup of honeybush tea and the other motioned to her that it would carry her trunk.
"Oh, I don't have any luggage." She said. "Sorry." The fairy gave her a look but decided to just go along with it and helped her tidy up her hair.
"Thank you so much." She said to them. It seemed this was not something they heard often, as they made more chiming noises and started to offer her all sorts of gifts like more tea, something akin to Sophie's diet cookies and flowers.
"Oh, you really don't need to." She said.

Just beside her sprouted up another girl who was quite gorgeous. She had waist-length, golden hair, sculpted lips, topaz eyes and slightly tanned skin. She looked Y/n up and down before making a sweet smile and held out a hand.
"Well hello there." She said with a sweet voice. "I'm Beatrix of Jaunt Jolie."
"Nice to meet you" Y/n said who took Beatrix's hand, ready to shake it. But instead she was pulled closer to Beatrix and given air kisses on each side of her cheek.
"... I'm Y/n of Woods Beyond." She said after the shock of the greeting went away.
"Never heard of it before." Beatrix said as three fairies came to help her.
"Is it common for girls to wear pants there?"
"No, not really." She said as she scratched the back of her awkwardly. She felt like she was being severely judged by this girl. "It's my work clothes. I work in my fathers bookstore."
"Oh, a bookstore." Beatrix picked up a hand mirror and looked at her make up to make sure it was absolutely perfect. "How quaint. I myself am a princess. But don't make too big of a deal of it, it must be exciting for someone like you. But you could be pretty enough to be a princess. What fairy tale family do you come from?" Now it felt like she was bullied and love-bombed at the same time.
"Well I-" She was cut off as screams came from a girl falling out of the sky. A girl with ghostly white skin, black helmet hair and a black dress. "Agatha!" Y/n yelled as she ran past Beatrix and ran to her now passed out friend.


Sophie opened her eyes to find herself floating in a foul-smelling moat, filled to the brim with thick black sludge. A gloomy wall of fog flanked her on all sides. She tried to stand, but her feet couldn't find the bottom and she sank; sludge flooded her nose and burnt her throat. Choking for breath, she found something to grasp, and saw it was the carcass of a half-eaten goat. She gasped and tried to swim away but couldn't see an inch in front of her face. Screams echoed above and Sophie looked up.

Streaks of motion-- then a dozen bony birds crashed through the fog and dropped shrieking children into the moat. When their screams turned to splashes, another wave of birds came, then another, until every inch of sky was filled with falling children. Sophie glimpsed a bird dive straight for her and she swerved, just in time to get a cannonball splash of slime in her face.

She wiped the glop out of her eye and came face to face with a boy. The first thing she noticed was he had no shirt. His chest was puny and pale, without the hope of muscle. From his small head jutted a long nose, spiky teeth, and black eyes that drooped over beady eyes. He looked like a sinister little weasel.
"That bird ate my shirt," he said. "Can I touch your hair?" Sophie backed up. "They don't usually make villains with princess hair," he said, dog-paddling towards her.
Sophie searched desperately for a weapon- a stick, a stone, a dead goat-
"Maybe we could be bunk mates or best mates or some kind of mates," he said, inches from her now. It was like Radley had turned into a rodent and developed courage.
Where was Y/n when you needed her most? She was always so good at protecting Sophie. He reached out his scrawny hand to touch her and Sophie readied a punch to the eye, when a screaming child dropped between them. Sophie took off in the opposite direction and by the time she glanced back, Weasel Boy was gone.

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