Chapter 9: The 100% Talent Show

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Sophie was sure Beatrix had set the fire to get Tedros' attention. No doubt he rescued her from the blazing tower, kissed her as Good burned, and had already set their wedding date.
Sophie came up with this theory because this was what she had planned to do at lunch, and Sophie was very sure Beatrix wanted Tedros (Beatrix's glaring at the Welcoming was quite obvious to everyone).
Beatrix had probably taken Y/n for herself too as her fairy godmother, and now Y/n wouldn't have room for Sophie because Beatrix was her new best friend.

But now classes were canceled the next day too, leaving her marooned in a room with three murderers. She started at the iron plate on her bed gobbed with soggy gruel and pig's feet. After three days of starvation, she knew she had to eat whatever ghastly lunch school sent up. This was peasant food.
She flung her plate out the window. "You don't know where I might find cucumbers in this place?" Sophie said, turning.
Hester scowled across the room. "The Goose. How'd you do it?"
"For the last time, Hester, I don't know," Sophie said, stomach rumbling. "It promised to help me switch schools, but it lied. Maybe it went batty after laying so many eggs. Do you know of garden nearby with alfalfa or wheat-grass or–"

"You talked to it?" Hester blurted, mouth full of oozing pig's foot.
"Well, not exactly," Sophie said, nauseous. "But I could hear its thoughts. Unlike you, princesses can talk to animals."
"But not hear their thoughts," said Dot, slurping gruel that looked chocolate flavored. "For that, your soul has to be a hundred percent pure."
"There! Proof I'm 100% Good," said Sophie, relieved.
"Or 100% Evil," Hester retorted. "Depends on if we believe you or if we believe the stymps, the robes, the Goose, and that wave monster."
Sophie goggled at her and burst into sniggers.
" 100% Evil? Me? That's preposterous! That's lunacy! That's--"
"Impressive," Anadil mused. "Even Hester's spared a rat or two."
"And here we all thought you were incompetent," Hester sneered at Sophie. "When you were just a snake in sheep's clothing."

Sophie tried to stop giggling but couldn't.
"Bet she has a Special Talent that blows ours away," said Dot, munching what looked to be a tiny chocolate foot.
"I don't understand," Sophie snickered. "Where does all the chocolate come from?"
"What is it?" Anadil hissed. "What's your talent? Night vision? Invisibility? Telepathy? Fangs filled with poison?"
"I don't care what it is," Hester snarled. "She can't beat my talent. No matter how villainous she is." Sophie laughed so hard now she was weeping.

"You listen to me," Hester seethed, first curling around her plate. "This is my school."
"Keep your crummy school!" Sophie hooted.
"I'm Class Captain!" Hester roared.
"I don't doubt it!"
"And no Reader is going to get in my way!"
"Are all villains this funny!" Hester let out a mad cackle and flung her plate at Sophie, who dove just in time to see it tomahawk into the Wanted poster on the wall and slice off Robin's head. Sophie stopped laughing. She peeked over the scorched bed at Hester , silhouetted against the open door, black as Death. For a second Sophie thought her tattoo moved.
"Watch out, witch," Hester spat, and slammed the door. Sophie looked down at her shaking fingers.
"And here we thought she'd fail!" Dot chimed behind her.


After the incident, Y/n had woken up in her room, days after the whole thing. And her mind was filled with horror at what happened after she fainted.
"You punched him?" Y/n asked in horror. Her entire body was in a state of panic, surely this entire event would get both expelled.
"He deserved it." Agatha said, crossed arms and grumpy.
"Sure, his first instinct shouldn't have been to kill, but you didn't need to punch him." Y/n said and tried to calm herself down from the stress she felt. "Think about, something important to him was burned to the ground, and he did try to save you. Think about it, if something important to you burns down, would you be happy? Would you be understanding when someone told you the one who burnt down that important thing was 'just innocent'''
Agatha said nothing and just made an angry sigh, maybe being cooped up practically alone for three days wasn't a good way to get over heated feelings.
"But it's till fair for you to be angry for a while, and maybe one day in the future you could come to a mutual understanding."
"If we managed to make it that long." Agatha said, depressed and without hope. Those words made Y/n stressed once more, something she quickly forgot brought up again.

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