Chapter 4: The Three Witches of Room 66

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Y/n was taken to her room by the fairies after they rescued her. Agatha was taken to be scolded by a teacher for "trying to kidnap a student" and Y/n were allowed to go free.
Most rooms in Purity tower were bunked 3 princesses in one, but they had managed to quickly fix a room for 4. Purity tower had a pink glass staircase with five floors connected. Y/n and Agatha's room was up on the fifth floor and their door was decorated with a glittery sign covered in hearts, saying "Welcome Reena, Millicent, Agatha, Y/n."

Y/n walking in was gorgeous. Full of bejeweled mirrors and decorations hanging from the ceiling. The walls were a light pastel pink with murals of princes and princesses. There were four soft canopy beds,  Y/n sat down on one and it was soft as a cloud, (well she assumed clouds were soft). She looked down at the uniform in her hand, it would probably be best to put it on. She claimed one of the dressers and neatly put her old clothes and shoes there as she switched to her uniform.

When she was dressed she looked at herself in the mirror. It wasn't her usual style, but she liked it.
"Ooo! this dress has pockets!" She said with a smile. She decided to keep some stuff she owned on herself however, first she took the dagger from her old clothes, (who knew what creeps they could come across in Gavaldon), and hid it in her dress pocket. Secondly she took her glowing star. She looked around and saw thread and needle, which gave her an idea. She used the needle to poke a hole in the star and then turned it into a necklace that she could hide under her dress.

She continued to look around and found a bag of luggage. It was a trunk made out of mahogany and Y/n of Gavaldon was carved into it. 
She opened the luggage and found school supplies and other useful stuff. Four boxes of parchment, 14 quills made out of peacock feathers, one beaver-tooth quill sharpeners, four bottles that said "Willow-Sap Ink." Then there was sleep masks, pillows with dewdrop embroidery, one bedspread that seemed to be made by moss, 10 pairs of knee-socks, a yoga mat, and then a mirror that said "Self affirming magic-mirror". Y/n looked over and saw another trunk, with Agatha's name on it. Nice to have supplies at least.

Y/n opened the curtains to the window and got a view of the school ground. She could see a gigantic tower in the middle of the moat and lake between the two schools, but she couldn't see the top as it was clouded. She could see a clearing down on the school grounds between the schools. Lastly she looked at the dark castle that was mostly hidden by dark fog. I wonder what happened to Sophie...


Sophie wasn't sure why six wolves needed to punish her instead of one, but she assumed it was to make a point. They bound her to a spit, stuffed an apple in her mouth, and paraded her like a banquet pig through the six floors of Malice Hall. Lining the walls, new students pointed and laughed, but laughs turned to frowns when they realized this freak in pink would be one of their bunk mates. The wolves towed whimpering Sophie past Room 63, 64, 65, then kicked open Room 66 and flung her in. Sophie skidded until her face smacked into a warted foot.

"I told you we'd get her," said a sour voice. Still tied to the spit, Sophie looked up at a tall girl with greasy black hair streaked red, black lipstick, a ring in her nose, and a terrifying tattoo of a buck-horned, red-skulled demon around her neck. The girl glared at Sophie, black eyes flitting. "She smells like an Ever."
"The fairies will retrieve it soon enough," said a voice across the room. Sophie swung her head to an albino girl with deathly white hair, white skin, and hooded red eyes, feeding stew from a cauldron to three black rats. "Pity. We could slit its throat and hang it as a hall ornament."
"How rude," said a third. Sophie turned to a smiley brown haired girl on the bed, dark skinned, round as a hot air balloon, chocolate ice pop in each stumpy fist. "Besides, it's against the rules to kill other students."
"How about we just maim her a bit?" said the albino.
"I think she's refreshing," said the plump one, biting into the ice pop. "Not every villain has to smell and look depressed."
"She's not a villain," the albino and tattooed girl snapped in unison.

(kinda) Yandere SGE various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now