Chapter 10: Bad Groups

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(Sorry for the long wait, I've been really busy with school and stuff. But now I have summer vacation and I'll be able to update way more often. So I might get to book 2 by the end of the summer. I really hope you enjoy this chapter.)

(ALSO, if you want a place to chat with some SGE fans about the books or even the movie if you only watched that, you can join discord server. To be clear tho, this is not my discord server, so do NOT just join it to talk to me or this fic. I hope at least someone wants to join, new people are always welcome.)


"Please, sit." Dovey said with a comforting smile. Y/n sat down in the chair in front of Dovey's desk, feeling slightly nervous. "It is quite nice to see two friends care so much about each other."
"Me and Agatha have been friends since we were young." Y/n said.
"And I see you made other friends as well." Dovey said. "You know, Tedros came here right after the incident."
"He did?"
"Oh he sure did," Dovey chuckled. "They tried to take him to his room, but he immediately stormed over to my office to demand you wouldn't be punished."
"Really?" Y/n couldn't help but slightly blush.
"He calmed down once I told him you wouldn't be expelled nor punished. But it's clear he cares for you. I think you should give him a thanks."
"I will try to remember that." Y/n said. "Is that all you wanted to tell me?"
"No, not really," she said. "But I believed that it was important to say."

"Now, Y/n," Dovey said, sipping on a cup of tea. "Do you know why three readers were kidnapped as opposed to two? I don't expect you to have the answer but maybe you have an idea."
"I... I think I do," Y/n said, glancing at her glowing star. "I don't think I am a reader. I was kidnapped from Gavaldon just like Agatha and Sophie, but I don't think I was born there. When I got my Flowerground ticket, it said I was 'Y/n of Maidenvale.'"
"Y/n of Maidenvale?" her teacher asked. "Are you sure? None of us even know where you live except the School Master."
"Well, according to my father, I was left at his home with a letter with the School Masters mark. I also carried this." Y/n took out the glowing star around her neck and showed it to Dovey. Dovey stared at the glowing star for a while, the blue light reflecting in her pupils.
"You... You're definitely from the woods."
"What does the star mean?" Y/n tucked the star back in her dress.

"Those stars are called a wizard wish, all sorcerers get them. You say a wish to it and whatever you say will come true. But you only get one, most save them to decide when they die." Dovey explained. "Throughout the years we've had multiple sorcerers, Merlin, the lady of the lake, the school master and his brother, just to name a few. But we have a sorcerer every few years, however we don't have any real classes to teach sorcery."
"But I've never used magic before, how can I be a sorcerer?"
"Well, it is a sad truth that there are some sorcerers that never get to use magic, for that they need someone to unlock it, just like how we unlock finger glows." Dovey said. "And from what I can see, you have great potential. It would be a shame not to train your magic then, so once we unlock your finger glow, I'll give you a few books to train, and hopefully I might find you a tutor."
"Really? You don't have to if it's too much trouble." Y/n said.
"You don't need to worry about it all. Now, get to class before you're late."
"Oh, I forgot about class!" Y/n quickly stood up and made her way to the door. She looked back to Dovey and gave her a tiny bow. "Thank you so much professor!" Y/n then ran out the door. Dovey smiled and sipped a cup of tea.
"She reminds me of someone, but who?..." Dovey said to herself.


"Who else is in our group?" Agatha asked Sophie, breaking the tension. Sophie didn't answer. In fact, she acted as if Agatha wasn't even there at all. The last class of the day, Surviving Fairy Tales, was the only one that mixed students from Good and Evil.
After Professor Dovey ordered Everboys to the Armory to turn in their personal weapons— the only way to appease Lady Lesso, furious over losing a gargoyle to Tedros' sword— both schools reported to the Blue Forest gates, where fairies sorted them into Forest Groups, eight Evers and eight Never, except one that had nine Evers and eight Nevers. As others found their leaders (an oger for Group 2, a centaur for Group 8, a lily nymph for 12) Agatha and Sophie were the first to arrive under the flag stamped with a bloodred "3."

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