Chapter 11: A Search For Origin

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(Sorry for the wait. I just really crashed after summer vacation started and I have just felt so burnt out that I hasn't been able to work due to the pressure I'm putting on myself. From here on I will publish chapters when I feel like it, because I don't want this to turn into a chore. I will still try my best to complete this story still.)


Y/n wasn't quite sure how to feel about the events that went down in the last class. She had already forgiven Agatha and Sophie, but it would be a lie to say she wasn't still a little hurt. After Tedros had quite literally dragged her away, he had tried to make conversation, but Y/n wasn't quite sure she even felt like talking, so she kind of just left him.

She was standing in the cafeteria, dinner brought out like a buffé of different goods. Baked potatoes, bacon, different kinds of salad, meatballs, rice, curry, steak, entrecote, different types of cheese, and so much more. It all looked so delicious– probably better than anything she had in Gavaldon– and her mouth couldn't help but water as it saw it all. She didn't take much, but she did take small bits of most of it, just to have a taste of it all. Her plate most certainly looked odd, and she did notice some of the judging looks by others, but she didn't really care that much. She could eat whatever she desired, and she certainly would.

Y/n looked around to perhaps try and find Kiko, the only girl she had made any connection with from the school so far. But once she saw that Kiko was sitting by Beatrix and her posse, even if they seemed to ignore Kiko, she decided it was best to just sit alone. She sat down at a small table in the corner of the cafeteria, that way no real attention would be on her. Usually, she would never mind company, but she didn't really feel like making any new friends at the moment.

She sighed as she ate her food and started into nothingness. Sophie's spirits might be so crushed that they now could go home. But... did she herself want to go home? She now knew she was a sorcerer after all, closer than ever to learn anything about her mother or father, is she willing to throw that away?

Then again, what kind of parents just throw their child away, her true family was in Gavaldon. And this place made them all weird, not just Sophie, but Agatha too. Nobody else had understood what Agatha and Sophie said to each other in that fight, but she did. The way they talked about her while at the same time ignoring her, like she was simply just an object. She was quite surprised herself, they had never said that before, in Gavaldon everything was just fine. Even if she was curious about what she could have if she stayed, it was clear she couldn't stay. They couldn't stay.

"Hey, Y/n." Y/n shook herself out of her thoughts and in front of her sat Tedros, with his own plate of food.
"Oh, hi Tedros..." she said and avoided eye contact. "I'm really sorry for what happened."
"Sorry for what?" Tedros said. "It's not like you control those lunatics"
"Lunatics is a little rude," Y/n huffed. "But I just really wanted to say sorry on their behalf. I can promise you that they haven't done something like that before. I was honestly quite surprised at their behavior."
"Well, I don't really want an apology from them." Tedros said bitterly as he ate his food, making his voice muffled. "They could be out there in those iron shoes for weeks for all I care," Tedros looked up and saw an Y/n who no longer avoided his eye contact, but she didn't look quite pleased.
"You know what, maybe we should just not talk about them," Tedros said with a nervous chuckle and looked down at his food again. "It's ruining my appetite."

"Mhm..." Y/n said as she stared daggers at Tedros. She was a little mad at Agatha and Sophie, sure, but she wouldn't tolerate others talking bad about her friends. It didn't take long for her to calm down however, she wasn't the type to be angry or spiteful for long.
"I really wanted to say thank you," she said. "Dovey told me you came to her after the gargoyle situation, just for my sake. And I'm really grateful for that, even if I wouldn't have been expelled either way. So, thank you."
"Anything for a friend," Tedros said, smiling at her. "And I was thinking that perhaps, we could go to the library after dinner. To look for anyone you're related to, or about that glowing star."
"Actually, Dovey told me about the star," She said and took out the star from under her dress collar.
"Apparently, they're called a Wizard's wish, which is given to a sorcerer at birth, and can give them one wish that will come true. So, I guess I'm a sorcerer."
"That-... That's awesome!" Tedros said, seeming excited for his friend, punishing her in the shoulder in a playful way. "And that narrows down our search a lot, thankfully. The library is pretty big"

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