Chapter 6: Definitely Evil

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The next morning, fifty princesses dashed about the fifth floor as if it was their wedding day. On the first day of class, they all wanted to make their best impressions on teachers, boys, and anyone else who might lead them to Ever After. Swans twinkling on nightgowns, they flurried into each other's rooms, glossing lips, poofing hair, buffing nails, and trailing so much perfume that fairies passed out and littered the hall like dead flies. Still no one seemed any closer to being dressed, and indeed, when the clock tolled 8:00 am., signaling the start of breakfast, not a single girl had put on her clothes.
"Breakfast makes you fat anyway," Beatrix reassured.
Reena poked her head into the hall. "Has anyone seen my panties?"

Y/n certainly hadn't, she was trying to find her way to the breakfast hall to get herself a quick snack before meeting up with Agatha at that same teleport pool. She was dressed a little nicely, why not take the chance when you can? But she didn't put too much effort in for it, why bother when you're going home after all.

Agatha had instead chosen to try and go through the ventilation system once more. Y/n however refused to take that way ever again, and Agatha refused to go through all the people. So they decided to split up.

As she walked inside the dining hall, only boys were seated, eating bacon, eggs, and what ever else the school offered. But it all looked amazing. Y/n just took a croissant and was about to walk away.
"You're only eating a croissant?" Tedros asked her, who just walked in himself.
"Sadly, I would have eaten more if I had time." Y/n said, glancing at what seemed to quite some tasty food.
"Time?" Tedros looked at the grand clock in the room, decorated in white and gold. "Class starts in an hour."
"Well, a woman's business can take a while." Y/N said "Quite complicated."
Tedros became slightly flustered, cheeks turning a slight pink color. "Oh-I-Um... I didn't know." He said, unsure what to say. He also clearly wasn't fully aware of what a woman's business even is.
"Oh I'm only pulling your leg." Y/n said with a giggle. "But your reaction was quite adorable."
"Adorable?" Tedros asked, sounding offended but in a more joking mater.
"Very" Y/n said with a teasing smirk. "But no, I'm in a bit of a hurry to meet up with my friend."
"Witch one or With two?" Tedros asked.
"Neither are witches." Y/n said. "Especially not Agatha. You should give her a chance really, I think you could be great friends."
"Friends, huh?" Tedros said, seeming to almost entertain the idea. "...Maybe I'll give her a chance. But only maybe."
"I'll take a maybe." Y/n said with a chuckle. "I'll perhaps see you later then." Y/n said with a curtsy and took a bite of her croissant.
"Wait-" Before Tedros could even finish a sentence Y/n had already left.


Y/n stumbled her way through the gigantic castle, often having to ask fairies for directions, but soon enough she found the stairway they entered the other day. Now I only need to remember where Agatha ran. She spotted the staircase labeled "Honor", that was beautifully lit by high stained glass windows, full of people. The one who caught her eye was an older lady that seemed to be annoyed by a nymph.

"Good morning miss." Y/n said and did a curtsy. "Could I just quickly pass, I have beautification class there."
"Classes starts in an hour." The teacher said. "Shouldn't you eat breakfast?"
"I've already eaten. But thank you for the concern."
"We'll I guess some likes to be prepared, that's a nice change of pace at least." The teacher sighed. "I suppose I'll see you in Good Deeds class this afternoon then, miss Y/n?"
Y/n just nodded and smiled. "Most definitely. I'll see you then." Y/n walked past and continued to walk for a while with the same smile until she was out of sight from her teacher, before taking a sigh of relief. "That wasn't stressful at all..."

She found her way to Hansel's Heaven, the wing of first-floor classrooms made completely out of candy. There was a room of sparkled blue swizzles and rock sugar, glittering like a salt mine. There was a marshmallow room with white fudge chairs and gingerbread desks. There was even a room made of lollipops, blanketing the walls in rainbow colors. Y/n wondered how the candy even stayed good or how this was sanitary in any way. She read a sign saying "Temptation is the path to Evil."
"Just the thought of how many have touched this or how long it's been here is enough to deter me." She mumbled.

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