A Few Days Ago...

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Reader's P.O.V.

It was a rainy day. I forgot my umbrella at home so I stood near a bus stop waiting for the downpour to fade a little. I move around the not-so-helpful roof above my head. I tug at my jacket's sleeves and rub my hands over my arms, in an attempt to heat up. 

"I should've brought extra sweaters today!"

Suddenly, I felt someone put a hand my shoulder. I screamed and swatted the hand away. I was prepared to hit this person with my bag–

"(f/n)-chan? It's me." 

Tetsuya Kuroko, one of my middleschool friends at Teiko, who had a very low presence was right there, standing beside me. His eyes were a little wide from my defensive reaction. This characteristic didn't  bother me that much. I have a brother. Growing up with him made my senses go wild. You just never know when he'll strike.

And I thought this guy was some sort of threat. I could just feel the blood rush up to my cheeks in embarrassment. 

"Ah! Tetsu-kun! I'm so sorry!" 

I try fanning my face to make the blush go away. I can't let him see me flustered like this! 

He smiles apologetically and pats my head, which only made things worse. 

"It's okay. My teammates saw you and we were all wondering if you'd want to join us at Maji Burger  while we wait this out." 

I just looked over his shoulder and saw them waving at me. I met the Seirin team when I went to visit Tetsu-kun. They were a closely knitted group and I could see why he loves being with them so much. And they're this nice? They actually want me to go with them? 

"A-are you sure?" 

"Yes," he replied, holding his umbrella above our heads as if to tell me I don't have the choice to decline. 

"Okay then." 

He brought me over to his team, who warmly took me in, offering me high-fives and cheerful smiles. We all walked into their favorite fast food restaurant  a block away from where I was. We sat at  a really long table which they decided to push together. 

Kagami was nice enough to share one of his numerous burgers with me. Tetsu-kun even spent money to buy me my own shake. The senpais even involved me in their conversations. They were really fun to hangout with. 

This day has been one of the longest time I've spent with these guys and I felt so at home there that I didn't want to leave. 

It reminded me of Ryo-kun when we were kids... 

After a while, the rain stopped. We eventually parted ways. I promised them that I'll visit more often and told them we should do it again some other time.  

Tetsu-kun offered to walk me home since it was getting late and I took up his offer. 

On the way home, I could tell he wanted to ask me something and any moment from now, he'll do it without any hesitation. 

"Have you talked to Kise-kun about it yet?" 

When a few minutes of silence passed, I knew he wouldn't let me go home without answering.


A few more minutes.

"I think you should tell him how you feel. I don't think it's fair for him either that you'd ignore him like you do." 

I look up and saw the sky was beginning to look like some sort of violet about to turn blue, trying to distract myself for a while. Streetlights began blinking on. I felt my socks get wet  so I looked down at the sidewalk and saw many puddles. My feet began to feel cold, so I decided to get away from the others.

"It's not like he cares, Tetsu-kun," I explained as I carefully skip away from the puddles.  "He's always too busy with other things and other people. He's just way too good for people like me like he used to say. I'm fed up of trying to get his attention and all that!" 

"To be frank with you, ignoring him actually works. He's been calling me and the others if we know anything about what's going on with you," he replied, following my steps. 

"Then let him be. I don't care. He can try bribing me all he wants and say sweet things that aren't true, but I'm not letting this damn wall break down so easy!" 

There was this feeling of white noise. I let my words echo in my brain and I felt the tears threatening to run down my face. I clutch my fist, trying to stop them from ever leaving. 

"You really love him, don't you? And he really hurt you that much." 

I try so hard, but I know I can't. I just wanted to burst.

I stopped skipping and went straight towards him. 

I wrapped my arms around him and cried.

Cried out everything that has hurt me these past few  months. I didn't care about soiling my friend's uniform. I didn't care about what others would say if they saw me. 

I just want...out. 

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and rubbed comforting circles on my back. 

I just can't take the pain anymore... 


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