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"So, you've tried contacting her?" the older blonde asks.


"You went to her house?"

"Her parents won't let me talk to her."

"You tried asking your friends?"

The siblings were in Kise Ryota's room. His sisters decided to barge into his room that afternoon, when they finally had enough of the sudden lack of sunshine in the house. So when they did, he was forced to tell them everything. Which leads to where they are now.

"Yeah. She didn't go. She's avoiding me again," he mumbles as he hugs his pillow, hiding his face from them. He didn't want them to see him look so miserable.

"You know, I haven't seen you this devastated over someone like this before," she mentions as she patted her brother's head.

"That's not helpful."

Anyone who knew the otherwise known copycat knew that no matter what happens, he would always get on the positive side of things. He knew how to carry himself. But right now, he wasn't much like himself in any way. He was a mess– physically and emotionally.

"I really don't know what to say. You're not one to dwell on this kind of thing."

He looked up at his other sister and groaned.

"Why does everyone keep on telling me that?"

"Because it's true, Ryota. Come on. You've dated other girls. When you guys broke up, you didn't stay at home for a week sulking. You got over it easily."

She had a stern look on her face as she replied.

"I couldn't blame her for how she acted, taking that into account."

Kise pulled the covers over his head.

"Please just leave me alone. I know I'm wrong. Please don't rub it in."

The two of them gave him a hug through the comforter.

"We'll try helping, okay? Just...come down for dinner later. We miss you."

He made a sound of agreement.

When he did, the two of them left the room.

After that, he went back to sleep, thinking that maybe settling in dreamland would get him out of his sorrows.

(L/n) (F/n) deleted all of the blonde boy's messages on her phone. She couldn't stand it anymore. 

She was scared.

Everything was happening so fast.

It was simply too much for her to handle.

Her mother noticed that she had been too silent when they were both watching television in their living room. Their favorite show was on. When it was on, (L/n) would always start cheering crazily. But at the moment, she seems to be too pre-occupied by the phone in her hands.


"Yes?" she turned and gave her mother attention.

"Is there something wrong?"

She bit her lip, not wanting to let anything slip from her mouth.

"There is, isn't there?"

"No, mother. I'm fine."

The older woman stood up and sat closer to her. She even wrapped an arm over the girl's shoulder in an attempt to be more comforting.

"I don't want you to be sad about our plans for you. We only want the best for you, sweetheart."

"I know, mother."

"I think you'll love our new business partner's son. He's a real gentleman. Handsome too. He'll be joining the summit with you this year!"

"That's nice, mother."

"I'm sure you'll like this one better than the last one!"

(L/n) listened to her mother blabber on and on about the boy they set her up with. She gave her very best to keep herself together, despite wanting to get mad at both her parents deciding things for her life that would do better for their company.

Hours after their conversation, her parents left to go to a meeting to prepare for the upcoming gathering at Korea.

The moment they shut the door, she immediately ran up to her room and dialed the numbers that were almost tattooed to her mind. He was the only person that she could trust with these matters.

"Hello?" a small reply came from the other side of the line.

Kuroko Tetsuya.

"They're setting me up. Again."


"They're really serious about this marriage thing."

"Speaking of marriage. I heard you stormed out on Kise-kun and that you've been ignoring him again," he said gently, hiding the hint of awareness in his words.

"Tetsu, why don't you just talk him into finding a girlfriend instead? I mean, it's obvious that he has this huge man crush on you. He'd listen to probably anything you say–"

"Because that's not what either of you want."

"What are you talking about?"

"(F/n)-chan, you know you want to be with him. And we all know he wants to be with you. I know you wouldn't take it well back then if I just told you Kise-kun really loves you. If you just came to Maji Burger when we asked you to the other day, we'd all be there personally to tell you so."

She groans.

"So you guys were planning on ganging up on me! I knew it!"

"At least consider what I'm telling you. Don't avoid talking about this again."

"I told you before, I do not want to be with him. I do not want to go through the same torture all over again. But I also don't want to be married to someone I barely know. Can we just focus on the bigger problem here?!"

"Both are huge predicaments."

"Fine. Want to know something? I can't get anywhere near him again. My parents wouldn't want anything ruin their precious plans! They know how I feel about him. I can't..."

He heard the hurt in her voice.

"I can't be with him even if I wanted to. Other than the fact that I'm afraid he'd do something. My parents don't like him for me. I can't do anything without their approval. You know that."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be. Anyway, please don't tell anyone about this."

"I won't." 

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