Who? What? When? Where?

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Kise couldn't find the time to talk to (l/n) the next day. She quickly slipped out of the classroom when the bell would ring. He tried looking for her at the gym, the lab, the student council room, the lunch area, the rooftop, anywhere he knew students would stay at. But to no avail. 

(l/n) sat at the library working on some math problems, knowing that no one would bother looking into that area.

"People with testosterone are usually afraid of books. They're more on brawn than brains," the librarian told her during one of her escapades, where she was just desperate to find somewhere to hide from all the admirers that bothered her. And the old woman's words were true. In the past few months, she has been hanging out there, and no man that would step in disturbed her peace. Those persons were more engrossed with studying than anything else. 

The learning sanctuary was almost like a ghost town, without all the webs and tumbleweed, by the number of people that visited the premises. Making it a haven of silence, a place where things organized by height and alphabet and elegant decorations exist, and a place where you could get a whiff of the familiar book scent. 

She chose to stay at a somewhat secluded area rather than sit where other humans were and be the subject of attention. Or worse. She'd be forced to socialize

Other people dream of being courted and having a boyfriend while she thought it would be an absolute waste of her time. She would just attend to idiots that barely know a thing about her  except that she's pretty, smart, respectable or whatever, but that was too shallow for her. She wanted something deeper.

And because of that reason, she rejects them. 

But that doesn't stop them. It just makes them try harder. 


(l/n) closes her eyes and took a deep breath. 

When she opened her eyes again, a black haired male was standing in front of her. He had his eyes focused on her. 

"What do you want?" she hissed. 

"C-can I talk to...uh...you?" he asked, quite nervously. 

She looked at him closely, trying to register where she saw that face. Her once mean expression fading into a calmer one. He was beginning to sweat badly. 

"Oh. Yukio Kasamatsu? Kasamatsu-san? You're the captain of our school's basketball team." 

He smiles shyly at her. 

"Y-yeah, that's me!" 

"What is your business with me, senpai?" 

She was hoping that the person in front of her wouldn't ruin the high regards she has for the library. 

"I need to talk to you about...hm...Kise." 

He fidgeted with his fingers and looked away from her. She raised a brow at him, folded her arms over her chest, and leaned back on her chair. 

"What if I told you that I don't want to be involved in matters surrounding that idiot?" 

"I know you'd say t-hat. Which is why...I have a proposal f-for you." 

The blond boy was on the verge of giving up when he saw the door with a sign that said library on it. Something compelled him to go in there and check. But as far as he knows, people don't usually enter that place. So he dismissed the gut feeling and left for the lockers. He was already late for a photo shoot and he couldn't waste any more time at school or else he'll get in trouble again.  

As soon as he got to the cafe– the theme is coffee shop love– his manager immediately scolded him for being late. The lady ushered him into the changing room and got him prepared. 

The shoot went on smoothly.  Much to the photographer's pleasure, the famous blond model was cooperative and understood instructions very well. He delivers far out of mediocrity. 

Before he left, he made some time to converse with some of his fans who were waiting outside the venue. 

By the time it was all over, the stars were already twinkling outside. 

Kise walked home alone. He ignored everyone else that wanted to get his attention. People were calling him, but he just kept walking. He was so tired. He just wanted to plop himself on his bed and sleep until dawn. 

He groaned and tugged on the matching brown hat and buttoned up the coat he was wearing. It was chilly on that winter day. Snow covered the streets of Tokyo. His boots melted the white fluffy substance as he walked on. The city lights were not too bright, giving off this blissful effect. To be more exact, the place was the embodiment of a city winter wonderland. 

It was only when he caught his eye that the previous idea was erased and it got all the more cold. 

A familiar  girl with (h/c) colored bangs sticking out of  a gray cat eared hoodie with black jeans and running shoes was laughing as she went out of a restaurant with one of his closest friends, the now ex-captain, Yukio Kasamatsu. He wore a blue jacket, jogging pants, and his basketball shoes. They look like a couple that went out for a run. 

 The older male was obviously having some trouble handling the girl, as he had this problem with talking to people of the opposite gender. He was blushing when she playfully hit on his arm. He blushed even harder. Kise even heard him shout, "Shut up!" at her, but that doesn't faze her. It only throws her into a fit of laughter. 

Right then and there, he felt his heart get torn into pieces. Numerous questions rushed into his head. 

"When was the last time she acted like that towards me? When was the last time she even laughed or smiled at something I said? When was the last time she acted like the sweet girl she really was in front of everyone else? Since when did she change?"

"When? "

(l/n) bowed in front of the tomato faced male, and left, showing that she bid him goodbye. 

"Why are you so far away?" 

Kuroko's words finally made sense to him. 

Kise barely knew what was going on anymore.

"What happened to us?" 

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