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"I don't understand what's going on between you two," Kagami told the blue haired boy and  (h/c) girl he was sharing the table near the window with. 

The three of them were sitting at Maji Burger hanging out on a Saturday. (L/n) had called Kuroko to talk to him about certain 'issues' at hand– her being the new manager of her school's team and experiencing 'strange' antics from a certain blonde boy. 

She was wearing a flowery top with a black skirt and flats. Her hair was tied up nicely in a ponytail. Kagami opted to wear a black jacket, a red shirt, a pair of baggy pants, and his favorite pair of sneakers. Kuroko wore a dark blue polo over a striped shirt, shorts, and some flip-flops. Every other person who walked in looked at them twice to check if they were a group of models, but the group simply dismissed their stares. 

"Ah, well, (f/n)-chan  likes him," Kuroko replied before sipping on his milkshake. 

"D-don't say anything like that! I don't! " she said. 

"It's true though."

"Shut up." 

Her cheeks began to color itself a shade of pink and looked away. Kagami blinked and looked at her in curiosity. 

"For a smart person, you made a stupid decision," he thought out loud. 

"Whatever. It's not like it was a choice anyway." 

The three of them ate for a few minutes. All that while, Kagami tried to suppress the feeling of wanting to know more, but he failed. 

"Can you guys just tell me what happened?!" he asked. 

"We were friends since we were in diapers actually," she began, sitting up straight, gently putting her left leg over her right thigh, and brushing down her skirt. "But during our third year in middle school, Kise changed a lot. He became really vain to the point that he didn't want me around because I'm ruining his cool guy reputation." 

She sighed. 

"I became closer to Tetsu-kun around that time since we were somehow facing the same problem with the people in their group." 

She looked over to the blue haired boy and mouthed the word 'sorry'.

"No, it's fine. Continue." 

"Despite having him push me away, I still tried pestering him and inviting him to hang out despite his numerous excuses. Then I started to see how he started flirting around with those girls that follow him around. That's where I decided to draw the line." 

(L/n) tapped her fingers on the table a little. Kagami looked at her like as if she was a mother telling her child a story while Kuroko simply kept his neutral face on. 

"It was a week before graduation when my parents decided that I'd be sent to summer camp. They made me go through lots of sessions to make me learn how to become a prim and proper lady." 

"I always thought your actions are weird. One moment you're all girly, the other you're prepared to wrestle people–"

She stepped on Kagami's foot with much force.


He scowled at her in pain. 

"You were being rude and you interrupted me."

Kuroko had an amused glint that flashed in his eyes, finding the two of them funny. (L/n) coughed a little before she continued.

"When I got back, they enrolled me to Kaijo. I wasn't really aware that Kise was going there. We haven't talked all the while I was gone. I only found out when he passed by me when he was running away from girls during break time. We actually ignored each other until after he found me watching the game between your school and Tōō Academy. He tried talking to me, but I shut him off. Ever since then, he's been doing weird things to get my attention." 

"He's really weird." 

"I know right?!" 

"So, you already talked to him again?" Kuroko asked. 

"A little?" she replied. "Well, we talk a bit more now, since I have to deal with the team these past two weeks. They're really funny like you guys at Seirin. Except there's this weird third year that keeps hitting on me. He even used Izuki-san's pick-up line book on me." 

"He must be real desperate," Kagami scoffed. 

"I guess. Being their manager is fun, really. But Kise's trying to pull something off. He's getting weirder now. He isn't just doing the gift thing anymore or simply trying to start conversations. He goes to my classroom during break time, pays for my lunches, and asks me constantly what I'm up to. He's  been begging me to tutor him after basketball practices and wants to hang out sometime or something with the team." 

Silence enveloped them for a while when she took bites out of her almost forgotten burger. 

"He wants to study? Fuck. Whatever it is, it must be a really serious thing," Kagami commented. 

Kise was absolutely serious about winning back (L/n). He was quite happy that she was at least a little nicer to him now– not being as snarky and mean to him as she was a few weeks back. 

He was sitting on his desk wearing  his boxers and a shirt, looking at a photo album that fell out of his closet and effectively hit him on the head earlier that day. He was on the page of a certain photo– the one his sister took of (l/n) and him one December evening when they were fourteen. She smiled from ear to ear, her braces displayed, and her eyes shone behind those glasses. It was a rather candid photo because it showed how she looked as  he was trying to fix her scarf for her. 

"She used to be really happy around me, huh?" he thought, a smile on his face. 

He flipped to the last page where he saw a letter. 

June 18, (xxxx– the year they were in third year at Teiko)


Thank you for being with me and taking care of me. You're the best friend I could ever ask for!  I want to keep bugging you until we grow old. Worms aren't bugs, right? I'm not really sure. Hey, I promise there aren't any worms in the chocolate box that comes with this thing. Anyway, it took me quite a while to find all these photos and draw all those stuff you saw earlier. I worked hard on this album, okay? Keep it! Happy birthday! I love you so so much, bestie for life! <3 *huggles* 


Beside it was a picture of her laughing at him chasing him around with worms at the backyard when they were seven. Another one was of her blowing out some candles for him and he looked pretty angry about it. 

"I miss you," he whispered sadly as he closed the album.

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