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"Thanks for being a good friend."

He smiles softly; reassuring her that everything would be fine.

She returns it; sure that he would keep his word.

It has been a while since summer started for the students in Japan.

Kaijo's basketball team held a farewell party for the third year students who were finally going to enter the next chapter of their lives at the school's gym. There wasn't any kind of tension or awkwardness. They all had too much fun, stuffing their faces with cake and playing party games. They didn't look anything like mature men, but rather like elementary students at a birthday party.

"They aren't ready to grow up at all," (L/n) thought.

"I don't think they're ready to grow up at all," the coach told her as they watched from the benches.

"I agree, sir," she bashfully rubbed her nose as she said so.

A cake flew right unto the face of the elder of the team... and the rest is history.

When they went their separate ways, a few of them were left behind to do clean up. (L/n) was one of those people. Seeing that she was there to help out, Kise stayed behind to be of aid, but really, who are we kidding? We all know by now that he probably has something else in mind, right?

(L/n) also knew about this, so when she was finished, she knew she had to escape through the back door. But then, Kise did something that made her believe that he might actually be one step ahead of her.

"May I do the honors of walking you home, miss?" he asks when she got out of the gym (through the aforementioned door) and flashes his most dazzling smile.

She sighs in defeat and nods her head.

If it were possible, his smile had gotten even wider. (L/n) dismisses this and began to walk ahead of him.

"I have to go to the shopping district first to buy some art and crafts materials." 

"I don't mind, I have all the time in the world~" Kise told her as he swerved to her side. 

It was three in the noon and cherry blossoms were dancing across the sky. It was a pretty sight. There was a group of teenagers that were biking on the road they were walking on, but they were thoughtful enough not to hit them as they went. Everything about their surroundings was peaceful. 

Kise raised his arms, placed them behind his head, and heaved a blissful sigh. 

"What is your plan for this summer?" he asks. 

"I might leave for Korea and come back before school starts."

"Eh? Your parents are sending you to one of those business camps again?"

She raised a brow at him, wondering how he even got that right.

"Well, yeah."

The two of them aren't as close as they were when they were at Teiko, but their relationship wasn't as bad as it used to be. After the rainy day incident, Kise took it upon himself to take care of her– much to her annoyance. She didn't like being babied.

He used to have a lot of time to throw dates out to girls like confetti, but ever since she became the club's manager, it just stopped.

His fangirls became very aware of their master's dedication and near to undivided attention towards the student council member. To back up their "he's dating her" theory, Kise hasn't picked a name from the sea-of-desperate-girls-who-want-to-marry-him lottery, which only worsened their hatred for her existence.

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