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A/n: Okay, so today, I opened up my account so I can post the new chapter. Then I saw that my story was viewed for around 706 times. I was like, "Holy shit." HAHA. I'm sorry, I sincerely couldn't help myself. I'm so happy that I'm getting reads. I also appreciate the people who give me stars and keep on reading (even tho I don't know what the hell I'm doing). Hey, it's nice to know someone appreciates my work. 

I feel the love. Hihi. :>  Thank you for the support. I love ya'll so much! 

I'll shut up now so you guys could get to the real story~


"W-who was he?" 

"He's a friend of mine." 



"I think I met him before..." 

He went to a familiar place, one that reeked of temptation and sins. Kise evaded all the hungry ladies who followed him as he strode through the club, looking for the persons familiar to him. He had no time for fun and games. He needed answers. He needed to know what was really going on. 

"Oi, Kise!" Aomine called. 

He angrily followed the direction of that voice. Aomine was kidding around with the rest of their friends, a bottle of beer in his hand. He had no idea about what was coming. As soon as Kise got close enough to him, he threw a punch at his face. 

Aomine fell off of his seat. 

"Kise! What the hell was that for?!" Kagami yelled. 

"You guys knew she was back! You all knew she was here! Why the fuck didn't any of you tell me? This was just some scam to prevent me from finding out, isn't it?!" Kise shouted. 

Guilt was written all over their faces. 

"Why? Tell me why!" 

Kuroko calmly approached him, two hands in front of him, a universal sign that says 'I'm not going to hurt you, don't hurt me' when someone's walking towards a 'wild animal'. 

"I think we should talk. We should all leave this place first." 

At the convenience store, Kise gave Aomine an ice pack. He glared and mumbled angrily as he placed it on his swelling cheek. The blonde man rubbed on his nape. 

"I'm sorry about that, Aominecchi. I was feeling pretty emotional back there–" 

"Save that shit for some other occassion." 

Kuroko sighed. 

"We understand that it's a big deal for you, Kise-kun."

"That was a very wreckless thing to do," Midorima said. "I know it's wrong that we hid that from you, nanodayo."  

Murasakibara munched away on a bag of treats that he bought alongside the numerous candy bars he hogged. 

"Aka-ching tow us not to tehl u abaout hew o heel kiw uhs," he uttered in between munches.


"Oi! Chew before you talk!" 

The purple giant swallowed and repeated himself. 

"Aka-chin told us not to tell you about her or he'll kill us." 

"Since when?!" 

"Since she left."

Then he goes on to stuff his face with more food.  

She looked into the mirror. Scars marked different parts of her body– on her chest, her thigh, her stomach. She ran her fingers over them, peeved at the sight of these imperfections. She sighed, upset about the reminder it paid for her. 

She didn't notice the other person enter the room until he wrapped his arms around her waist. He kisses the top of her head. 

"You're beautiful, (F/n)."

She pursed her lips and looked at him from the mirror. 

"Sei-kun, I'd appreciate it if you don't barge into the room like this." 

"You shouldn't have left the door unlocked then," he whispers. 

(L/n) glared at him. Akashi laughed lightly at the sight. 

"It's not funny, Sei-kun."

He smiled.

"Relax, sweetheart. You're not forgetting anything important." 

"I really feel like you didn't tell me everything." 

"Why would I lie to you?" 

He kisses her shoulder. She hums in return. When he lifted his head, she saw red and orange. 

"Because you're not always yourself." 

He smirks. 

"Is that why you don't want to marry me?" he cooed. 

Akashi tightened his grip on her. Shivers ran down her spine. 

"I love you, I do, but I'm not ready, Sei." 

"When will you be?" 

"...I don't know." 

She closed her eyes and thought of the blonde man that pulled on her arm. 



A strong bond.

She felt like she knew him for a whole eternity. How was he related to her? 

She had no idea, but she felt like she could sink into his arms and stay there for days. She felt like if she kissed him, it would be like floating on cloud nine. She felt like she'd never have enough of this person if she stayed with him long enough. 


She didn't feel that.

Somehow, she just knew. 

She just knew that he was special.

I want to introduce myself to her." 

"You already caught Akashi, I think he'd have to tell you now." 

"He better." 

"I'd tell him you said that." 

"H-hey! D-don't! I was kidding!" 

"Nope. You weren't. I'm definitely telling him about that!" 

"A-Aominecchi, please don't! I'm sorry!"   

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