Chapter One

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I was sitting on my four-poster bed in the Slytherin Dormitory, working on the assignment professor Slughorn had assigned.

I sat the books on the bed an rubbed my temples, there was no way I was going to finish this by tomorrow's lesson.

I had put it off until the last minute, as I usually did, and now I was regretting it, as I usually did.

"Howell!" Jake snapped at me. "Turn out the lights, I'm trying to sleep!"

I sighed, and waved my wand. "Nox!" The light went out and I layed my books on the floor. Slughorn would be disapointed again, but there's no way I would finish, so why overwork myself?

I sat my head on my pillow and fell asleep.


When I woke up, my hair stuck out in all directions. I tried to comb it down with my fingers but decided that I needed a brush to fix it this time.

I crawled out of bed and dragged the brush through my black hair. I put on my glasses, so I could see, and realized my hair wasn't as wild as I thought.

I walked down to the common room of Hufflepuff and simply sat, rereading through my essay for transfiguration.

I decided it was decent enough for me to go eat breakfast. I walked into the Great Hall and sat at the Hufflepuff table along with my House Mates.

"Morning, Phil!" Said Lily. She had brown hair with blond highlights and her eyes were a chocolate brown. She smiled and scooted a seat over so she sat in front of me.

"Morning, Lily," I yawned. She laughed.

"So what're you eating this morning?"

I looked around the table to see what was available. Most of the other people were eating eggs and sausage or pastries.

"I'll just have cereal," I said as I grabbed a box of shreddies and poured then into a bowl.

"You always have cereal, Phil," Lily replied.

"I'm a simple guy," I stated. "You pure blooded witches and wizards might have some crazy breakfast food, but us half bloods get all varieties of wizard and muggle food. I happen to enjoy the taste of shreddies more than shredded pumpkin rinds on toast."

Lily rolled her eyes and smiled.


As I walked into Professor Slughorns room, I knew something was going to go wrong. The air simply had the vibe that something would explode.

The rest of the Slytherins walked in after me, soon followed by the Gryfindors.

Slughorn collected the assignments, he gave me a disapointed shake of the head when I didn't hand him mine, and then told us to attempt to make Armortentia.

I followed the instructions until someone from Gryfindor somehow managed to make their potion errupt into smoke.

Lucian, who was the only year 5 who could talk to Malfoy (a year 6), laughed before annoyncing "five points from Gryfindor."

The girls face turned as red as her tie before she squished herself into the back of her chair.

I rolled my eyes and continued my work on my potion. I tried to stay out of the Slytherin-Gryfindor drama. I thought it wasn't as big a deal as some people made it.

Gryfindor, I thought, actually wasn't that different from Slytherin.

That night, I lay awake in bed as I did sometimes. I didn't want to work on any assignments, but I wasn't tired enough to go to sleep. I grabbed my wand, whispered lumos, and made my way to the owlry.

Dan and Phil in Hogwarts (A Harry Potter Phan AU)Where stories live. Discover now