Chapter Twelve

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Two days until Hogsmeade and then there's no classes for a week. Thank God.

"So Phil, what did Dan want to talk about?" Lily asked me as we walked back towards the Hufflepuff Common room.

I just shook my head in response. I didn't want to talk about what Dan had said. I didn't know what I thought about it.

"You sure you don't want to tell me? I have to go to quidditch practice, so this is your last chance for like two hours.." Lily said.

"I'm sure. Have fun at practice!" I said. She nodded, turned around, and ran off in the other direction.

I sighed and continued my journey to the common room. I was still 10 minutes away. Why did the castle have to be so big?

I was about to turn a corner, but I heard voices. It sounded like two people, but they were talking in quiet voices.

"So they're going to Hogsmeade in two days, right?" One voice asked.

"Yea, that's what they were talking about when I walked up to them." The other replied.

"Well you could convince him there!"

"Yea, but how?"

The voices were getting louder, and I realized they were walking towards where I was standing.

"I dont know, Dan, he's your boyfriend!" The first voice said.

I facepalmed. Of course it was Dan. That's why the voice sounded so familiar. But who was the other person and who were they talking about?

"I mean, he's not my boyfriend.. Not anymore." Dan replied. He sounded sad. Were they talking about me? "And I don't know if anything will work. I screwed up so badly."

"Yea, you screwed up. But whining isn't going to fix anything!" The unknown person said again. They were getting really close now.

"Jake, you're not helping." Dan groaned. "I just want Phil to be happy, I just don't know how do that."

Jake? The one who broke my arm?

Dan and Jake were turning around the corner now. I was cowering in a corner, trying to make myself go unnoticed.

"Okay. Why do you want to make Phil be happy again?" Jake asked.

"I already told you," Dan replied.

"I know. I want to make sure your motivation hasn't changed."

Dan sighed. "My motivation hasn't changed. I want him to be happy because I love him."

My eyes widened. Dan wasn't lying? What he said the day before was true? Now I felt stupid.

"Okay, now that you've admitted that-" Jake started.

"But I can't make him happy if he doesn't want to see me," Dan interrupted. "And even if he does get happy again, I still won't be. I'm so stupid I hate myself!"  He cried.

I let out a small gasp. Dan hated himself? He can't!

No one seemed to notice that I gasped, but I stood and marched directly to where Dan was standing.


I knew Jake was trying to help, but he wasn't. Making me repeat myself again wasn't going to help Phil in anyway. It only made me realize how badly I had screwed up.

I was mad at myself. Mad for hurting Phil, mad for pushing away my friends, but mostly mad because I couldn't undo what I had done.

I stood, not saying a word. Jake seemed to have nothing else to say. The two of us stood in silence.

But then I heard footsteps. They were coming from behind me and they were quickly getting closer. I turned around and saw Phil.

Phil? How long had he been here?

The expression of his face was a mix between sadness, anger, and something else that I couldn't identify.

"Phil, how long have you-" I started, but was interrupted by his lips on mine.

Phil and I dated for a while, and we had never kissed. I was surprised by how soft his lips were. I completely forgot that Jake was in the room with us. I completely forgot that I wasn't even dating him. I forgot that he was mad at me. I forgot that I was mad at myself.  All that mattered was that Phil was here with me. He pulled away.

Jake coughed awkwardly. "Well, uh. I guess this means you two have made up?"

I didn't answer him. I looked at Phil. The happiness that I had noticed was gone yesterday had returned. His eyes seemed to be a more beautiful shade of blue now.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"I might have heard your entire conversation with Jake as you walked down the hall," Phil admitted.


Phil smiled. "Dan, I don't hate you. You shouldn't hate yourself."

"But, Phil I-"

"Shush. No. You're not allowed to hate yourself," Phil said sternly.

I stayed quiet. Jake shuffled his feet. "I hate to make things more awkward, but I'm gonna ask this again. Are you two back together or what?"

Phil looked at me questioningly. I looked back asking a silent question. Phil smiled before stating, "Yes."


Jake said he was happy for us before walking away back towards the Slytherin Common room. Turns out he wasn't as awful a guy as I thought he was.

Dan grabbed my hand and led me to the Whomping Willow. I don't know how I did it, but all of my friends loved the Willow. I was proud of myself.

Even though they all liked Willow, Willow didn't like all of them. But she was warming up to them.

"Phil, I am sorry.." Dan said again. He's said it about ten times on the way here.

"Dan, again, I forgive you. Stop apologizing!" I laughed.

"Hey Phil!" I heard Pj call. I turned around to see him and Chris walking towards us. The stopped short when they saw Dan's hand being held in mine.

"Um. What?" Chris asked.

"We may or may not be back together," I grinned.

Chris grinned and Pj looked really happy.

"Congrats mates!" Chris said.

"Good to see that chat yesterday helped," Pj laughed, looking at Dan.

I looked at Dan, confused. He shook his head, "I'll tell you later."

"Well," Chris said, looking at Pj. "I guess now's as good a time as any?"

Pj nodded and smiled even wider.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Dan asked.

"Chris and I are dating." Pj announced.

I wasn't surprised. I'm sure Dan wasn't either. Despite that, I said, "Congrats, mates!" Mocking Chris.

Chris rolled his eyes but laughed.

"So we good?" Dan asked Chris and Pj.

"We're good." They replied in unison.

Thank God. My boyfriend and my best friends are friends again.

Dan and Phil in Hogwarts (A Harry Potter Phan AU)Where stories live. Discover now