Chapter Six

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The day after Dan and I started dating it felt like I was living in a new world. A world that only Dan and I knew existed. Chris and Pj? We'd probably tell them about it soon, but everyone else would be in the dark. Or so I thought.

But when I sat at the Hufflepuff table that morning, Lily knew something was different.

"Phil?" she asked, whilst scooping loads of porridge into her mouth.

"Yea?" I replied after swallowing my bite of cereal.

"You seem happier today. Why? I know you're not a morning person, and today is the last free day for another week, which isn't that good.."

"Well I got a good sleep last night," I replied.

"Oh really?" she asked with a look that said "I know you're lying, but try to defend yourself."

"Yea, I got a good sleep." I repeated.

"Fine," she said. "Hey, Murphy?" She called down the table.

Murphy, a ginger roommate of mine, looked down the table. "Yea?"

"Would you say that Phil got a good sleep last night?" Lily asked.

Murphy shrugged. "I dont know, he left the room around 3."

Lily looked back at me and smirked. "So why are you so happy?"

"Lily, I don't want to say."

"..Is it about Dan? You tell me everything except for something that has to do with Dan, what happened between you two?"

I sighed, and told her the whole story.

She squealed, which earned a few looks from our housemates and a glare from me. "Sorry!" She giggled. "You two are just my otp. I mean, who wouldn't react like I did?"

I rolled my eyes.

"So who else knows about you and Dan- oh! I should make a ship name!"

"No one other than you, and don't make a ship name," I demanded.

But it was too late, she was already whispering, "Dil? No, not good enough. Dilip? Phaniel.. Phan! That's it, Phan!"

"Oh, gosh," I groaned and covered my face with my hand.

"Sorry. Okay. I'm in total professional friend mode, not shipper mode. Who asked who out?" Lily said, pulling herself together.

"He asked me," I replied, keeping my hand on my face.

"Okay," she said, smiling. "Are you two going to tell Chris and Pj?"

"Eventually," I replied.

"Okay, good. I bet they ship it too."

"Three galleons says they don't," I replied.

"Oh, you're on," She smirked. "C'mon," she said, standing from the table.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"We're getting Dan, Chris and Pj together. We'll ask Pj and Chris, and see if they shipped it."

I rolled my eyes and was about to say no, but someone said something from behind me.

"See if we shipped what?" Chris asked. Chris and Pj stood behind me.

"Phil?" Lily asked me.

"Lily, see this is why I didn't want to tell you," I complained.

"Didn't want to tell her what?" Pj asked.

Dan and Phil in Hogwarts (A Harry Potter Phan AU)Where stories live. Discover now