Chapter Five

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"And then Slughorn, I kid you not, tripped on his robes into Malfoy's cauldron and the potion spilled all over him," Chris told us.

Chris's potions class seemed much more entertaining than mine, but I wasn't really paying that much attention to his story.

Dan and I had started talking again but the conversations were always short. They weren't the kind we used to have. I wondered if he somehow found out that I like him.

I still haven't told Lily that I do like Dan, I haven't actually talked to her since Hogsmade. It was more awkward talking to her than talking to Dan.

I went inside the castle soon, leaving Chris with Pj, to go get cereal. I turned down the hallway that lead to the kitchen and the Hufflepuff common room to see Lily standing there.

"Phil!" She said when she saw me. "There you are!"

"Um, yea. What can I do for you?" I asked her, unsure of why she was here.

"Dan was looking for you. He was knocking on the common room door all day long, it gave me a bloody headache. Anyway, he told me to tell you that he was just looking for you cause you two haven't talking properly in a while.." Lily trailed off. "Why haven't you two been talking?"

"Look, Lil, you're one of my best friends but there are some things I don't want to tell you.."

"Phil, is it because of me? Did I ruin yours and Dan's friendship? Cause if I did, I'll go apologize to Dan," Lily replied.

"Lily you're fine. Just, don't assume anything. Like when I like Dan could have been a lo-"

"Wait what?"


"You said 'when I like Dan.'" Lily said looking at me with wide eyes.

"No I didn't, I said 'when you assumed I liked Dan.'"

"No, no you didn't! You like Dan! That's why your avoiding him! Oh wow! I ship it.." She said quietly.

"Fine," I rolled but eyes. "I like Dan. Don't tell anyone? Please?"

"'Course not, Phil. I'd never tell anyone that without your permission."

"Thanks, Lily. I'm gonna go now," I said before I turned and walked away. I didn't get my cereal, but I didn't care. Dan was looking for me and I might as well look for him. Maybe he wanted to tell me something, maybe he wanted to ask how to make liquid luck, you never know.

I looked around the castle before deciding to just go visit the Whomping Willow. I walk out onto the grounds and see the sun is dipping towards the west, but it's not setting yet so I have a while before it's time to eat.

I sit next to the Willow, where I normally do. It doesn't even reach for me. I think it's come to accept me as a recurring guest at its home. It snaps at anyone else, but it doesn't flinch at me.

I lay down and close my eyes, enjoying the quiet. Normally I enjoy loud, active environments, but the quiet is a rare treat that I like a lot too.

I hear someone lay down on the grass next to me. Willow tries to reach for whoever it is, but gives up after realizing it can't reach.

I turn my head to see who it is, and my eyes are met with warm brown ones. Dan slightly blushes when he realizes I caught him looking at me but he just says, "Well, hi there, Philly."

"Hello there, Daniel," I laugh as I look back up at the sky.

"Any particular reason your just, sleeping with the Willow?"

Dan and Phil in Hogwarts (A Harry Potter Phan AU)Where stories live. Discover now