Chapter Thirteen

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Hogsmeade was fantastic, or, as Lily insisted on calling it, Phantastic. She never would stop making comments about how "she was friends with the two cutest couples in Hogwarts."

I kinda felt bad about Lily fifth-wheeling on our Hogsmeade trip, but she didn't mind at all. Whenever she wasn't making comments about Chris and Pj or Phil and me, she would stare off at someone in a group of people.

When we got back to Hogwarts, Lily seemed out of it. She kept on looking towards a group of Slytherins hanging out in the corner of the room we were stood in.

It was late and I had eaten my dinner at the Three Broomsticks, so when the others went to go get food, I was too tired to walk. Phil walked me back to the Slytherin common room before going back to eat with the others. Today had been a good day.


When I woke up, I was greeted with a comfy black and grey duvet.

"Ughhh," I complained. I didn't want to get up. Where was my laptop? I sat up, the small weight on my chest was removed.

I looked down and saw Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on my duvet. I must have fallen asleep while reading it. "I need to learn to not read these books before I go to sleep," I said to myself, recalling my dream.

I got out from under the covers and walked out into the hallway that I shared with my boyfriend/bestfriend.

"Phil?" I called out into the emptiness of the hallway. I walked into the lounge and saw why Phil wasn't replying when I called for him.

"Dan! No go away! I need to pick this up!" He said, scooping bits of spilled shreddies into the bowl that he must have dropped.

"Why are you always so clumsy?" I asked, walking to help him pick up the mess.

"It's a curse, I didn't ask for it!" Phil defended.

"Whatever," I said, pecking him on the lips before grabbing the bowl from his hands and taking it to the kitchen.

"Oh, Dan, I meant to tell you!"

"Tell me what?" I asked, putting the bowl in the sink.

"You know the flat on the floor below us that was up for rent?"

"Yea?" I replied.

"A couple moved in this morning, we should befriend them!"

"Phil, you and I both know that we're too awkward to make new friends. Let's just stick with our little YouTuber circle."

"Please," Phil begged.

"Ugh, fine. We can 'befriend' the neighbors," I said, using air quotes.


We took the stairs, which I regretted because stairs are an Internet Hobo's worst enemy.

I knocked on the door, fully aware of the awkwardness Dan seemed to be creating.

I grabbed his hand and reassured him, "It'll be fine. They're neighbors, this is what neighbors do."

The door opened and I was greated with a short girl who looked to be about my age. She had brown hair with blond highlights, her eyes were chocolate brown.

"Hello!" She greeted, smiling.

"Hi," I replied. "I'm Phil, this is Dan. We're your neighbors from upstairs. We just wanted to say hi."

"Oh! Cool! I wanted to meet some of the neighbors but I wasn't sure how to introduce myself to them!" She replied. "My name is Lily."

"Oh that's a nice name," Dan said.

"Oh, thank you." She replied laughing. "Let me get my boyfriend, I'm sure he'd love to meet you two."

As Lily disapeered Dan whispered to me, "Doesn't she look familiar?"

"No not really," I replied.

Lily replied in the doorway before Dan could continue. This time, she had a guy around the same age with her. He had green eyes and wild, dirty-blond hair.

"This is Jake," she said. "Jake, this is Dan and Phil, they're our neighbors from upstairs."

"Oh cool, nice to meet you guys," Jake replied. I could practically hear the awkwardness buzzing around in the hallway.

"Well we'll let you finish unpacking, see you two around!" Dan said before dragging me back to the stairs.

"That was three awkward five me, mate." Dan grumbled as we climed the stairs.

"Well you said Lily looked familiar?" I asked him.

"Yea, and so did Jake. They kinda looked like these people in a dream I had last night."


We entered our room and decided to just take a lazy day and not plan tour things or books things, so we watched a movie. I let Dan choose.

We spent all day having a Harry Potter Movie Marathon.

Dan and Phil in Hogwarts (A Harry Potter Phan AU)Where stories live. Discover now