Chapter 9

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The maids said a few words and then cautiously shut their mouths, dispersed like frightened birds, and each went to do their own thing.

Because Xiu Ling did not attend the dinner, some guests inevitably had some criticisms. They said that the Omega of the imperial royal family was indeed very arrogant. He did not show up at his own wedding dinner, fearing that he would look down on them, the "lower people" of the third star. .

No one dared to say anything when Gu Yin was present, but as soon as he left, some guests began to complain softly.

Cheng Yi was a good person first, and he was the one who took care of him after Gu Yin left. His other abilities were ordinary, he was sweet-tongued, good at talking, and would praise guests fiercely when he caught them. These guests were so excited by his sharp tongue that they almost forgot who they were, and their dissatisfaction had long since disappeared without a trace.

The dinner ended on time at eight o'clock, and the guests were leaving one after another. Cheng Yi was busy working in front of and behind the horse, using two legs as two hundred legs. If a fast-moving shot was arranged for him, he would definitely be a whirlwind in the banquet hall. After finally sending away the last guest, Cheng Yixian slumped down on the sofa in the living room imagelessly and glanced at the bedroom on the second floor inadvertently.

The two maids at the door were leaning on the railing in a daze out of boredom. They made eye contact with Cheng Yi first, and hurriedly stood up straight, folded their hands on their abdomen, bent their waists slightly, and stared at the toes of their shoes without squinting.

Just kidding, I heard that this Cheng Yixian was a famous person around Gu Yin. If he told Gu Yin that he was lazy and not doing his job properly, then the generous reward for the day would be like a duck in the mouth - it would fly away.

Cheng Yixian was not checking their work. He was planning to hire a few more people for Gu Zhai in the future. Otherwise, if something happened, the nanny robot alone would not be able to handle it.

In the past, Gu Yin was not at home often, and there were no servants in the house. Apart from a mechanical housekeeper, there was only Zhang Ma who was in charge of cooking. Zhang's mother is over a hundred years old. Her daughter-in-law gave birth to an Omega grandson a few years ago. The family loved her dearly, but the child was in poor health and fell ill every day, so Zhang's mother only had one every day. Ask for leave. Speaking of which, Gu's house was so big that it was quiet all day long without even a single person in sight.

Now that Xiu Ling has moved in, he can't just keep cleaning the pots and cooking the stove all day long.

Cheng Yi first stood up, picked up his coat, and used the terminal to summon his aircraft. Before leaving, he took another look at the bedroom on the second floor. The door to the bedroom was closed, ruthlessly cutting off everything outside. A closed bedroom door always brings out fascinating associations to people. Cheng Yi first imagined the scene that might take place inside, and couldn't help but feel hot on his face.

That Omega is so delicate, he will definitely not be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning. He thought he should bring two portions of tonic soup tomorrow morning, one for Gu Yin and one for Xiu Ling.

By the way, let's talk to Gu Yin about his salary increase.

He recently bought a house in a landscape star called "Sea Fog", but he only paid a down payment. With his current income, he will have to pay off the mortgage until he is about 190 years old, but he will be dying at that time. .

Cheng Yixian sighed, thinking that being a human being is difficult, being a beta is even harder, and being a rich beta is even harder.

The robot butler told him that the aircraft had arrived at the door. Cheng Yi first entered the command to "clean up the banquet hall" and got on the aircraft with melancholy.

Second floor bedroom.

After reading the treatment suggestions given by the medical robot on the terminal, Gu Yin turned off the virtual screen. He turned to look at Xiu Ling. Omega's quilt still covered half of his face, and he was lying with his back to him for such a long time. It didn't seem to move at all. From Gu Yin's perspective, he could only see Xiu Ling's hair scattered on the pillow, and an ear filled with heat.

That ear was particularly white, tender and delicate, glowing with a touch of pink under the light. Gu Yin looked at it absentmindedly for a moment, then couldn't help lowering his head and licking the ear gently.

The unique sweet taste of Omega suddenly hit Gu Yin's taste buds, flowing along his tongue and into his limbs. He felt that his heart suddenly became hot, and the palms of his hands were extremely hot. In an instant, his hands were sweating, and even his thoughts were wandering.

It wasn't until the Omega on the bed trembled greatly that Gu Yin came back to his senses. He took a deep breath, held the bed with one hand, and struggled to prop up his upper body.

Even though neither of them was in estrus, Omega was still full of attraction, or in other words, temptation towards the energetic alpha.

Gu Yin's voice was still a little hoarse as he called out, "Xiu Ling?"

Xiu Ling shrank into the quilt and said nothing.

Gu Yin laughed: "You are still not feeling well? The test results of the medical robot say that this is not a serious problem. You should pay attention to a regular diet in the future and avoid eating cold food. It will be fine in a few months." He paused and added : "Don't worry."

Xiu Ling knew that he was comforting herself not to worry about her "illness". But there is something wrong with my stomach and intestines. I am simply suffering from heart disease. I am worried and depressed, so I have no appetite.

"I'll ask the kitchen to make some hot porridge." Gu Yin stood up, and the light shone on him, casting a large shadow. Xiu Ling felt overwhelmed by the shadow. He wanted to say "No need," but He opened his mouth but swallowed the words back.

In fact, Gu Yin could just use the terminal to tell the kitchen about this kind of thing, but he still went to the kitchen in person.

Because there was a happy event in Gu's house today, Zhang's mother stayed in the evening. In the past month, the old man had learned several imperial dishes just to please the new wife.

Zhang's mother has her own Xiao Jiujiu. Her little grandson is an Omega, five years old. The little guy is very well-behaved and beautiful. His family loves him very much and they have always wanted to send him to the empire for education.

It is said that the empire produces beauties. In fact, the main reason is that the empire attaches great importance to the cultivation and education of omegas and has a complete system of raising and protecting them. Therefore, even if the empire's omegas are average in appearance, they have excellent temperaments.

The third star is different. The interim government has done nothing. It has been engaged in infrastructure construction over the years, but there has been little success in infrastructure construction. As a result, the third star has been in a semi-development state for so many years. There are several Omega schools, but recently there was a scandal about a beta teacher in the school seducing students, which has caused panic among the parents of the students.

Zhang Ma's family wanted to send their little Omega to the empire, but unfortunately there was no way. This time when they heard that Gu Yin was getting married, and his partner was an Omega from the royal family, the old man couldn't help but get interested.

If you build a good relationship with the new lady and ask her to come forward to deal with the empire in the future, maybe this matter will be settled. After my grandson graduates, he can apply for an Empire Citizenship Certificate. It would be better if he can find an Alpha in the Empire, so that he doesn't have to go back to the poor and broken third star.

The whole family thought it was possible.

Hearing that the new wife wanted to have porridge, Zhang Ma knew that her opportunity to show off had come, so she agreed with a smile. She had checked the information before, and it said that Omegas in the empire generally like to drink lily porridge. She learned how to make lily porridge on the Internet in advance, and even prepared the ingredients.

Zhang Ma was very glad that she had the foresight. She asked in a low voice: "Mr. Gu, do you need me to send it up later?" She sent the things up and took the opportunity to see what the new wife looked like.

Gu Yin thought for a while: "Give me a study room."

Zhang Ma was slightly startled, but she quickly adjusted her expression and whispered: "Okay."

Gu Yin returned to the second floor, instead of going to the bedroom, he turned around and Go straight into the study. He didn't have time to read. Many of the books in the study were new and had not even been touched since they were bought. Among them was an expensive set of "Encyclopedia of Interstellar Literature", which was purely for decoration.

The study was not big, more like a small reception room. Gu Yin turned on the light, walked to the window and opened it again. The third star has a temperate climate, and the temperature does not vary much throughout the year. The temperature is suitable during the day but relatively cold at night.

The cold wind from outside flowed into the room and blew onto Gu Yin's face. Only then did he feel that his heated heart slowly began to relax.

There is a book that says that Omega, no matter what state it is in, is a stimulant for the partner who is in love with them.

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