Chapter 87

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Xun Sheng carried Xiu Cheng into the bedroom and locked the door manually.

Xiu Cheng's bedroom is not big and decorated very simply. There is a big desk right after entering the door. The wall above the desk is covered with photos. Most of them are of him and Xiu Ling, and there are also some of Xiu Cheng himself. ?Photography works, including flowers, birds, insects and fish.

Xun Sheng walked straight to the bed and carefully placed the person in his hand on the bed.

If you look carefully, you can see that his walking posture is a bit awkward, as if one leg is too light and the other is too heavy. Although he tries his best to maintain normality, his right leg is stiff and uncontrollable.

The best medical team in the empire built him a prosthetic limb. The shape, length, and flexibility were almost the same as his previous right leg, and even more perfect. But it was precisely because it was so perfect that he A sense of disharmony occurs throughout the body.

Xun Sheng hated this kind of incoordination that he couldn't control at all.

He hates anything that is beyond his control.

When he first learned that he had lost a leg, he couldn't sleep all night long. He thought that now that he was disabled, Xiu Cheng might hate him even more.

In fact, Xiucheng treated him as always.

Lukewarm, alienated and indifferent. Except for a few days when she was in heat and had to stay with him in the main house, the rest of the time she spent living in the small foreign building in the garden, reading, sleeping, and doing weird research.

Xun Sheng could enter and leave the small building at will, because Xiu Cheng couldn't stop him at all.

Xiu Cheng turned over and lay on the bed, took off his coat, pulled the thin quilt on one side to cover his body, his voice was full of fatigue: "I'm tired, I want to take a rest." He held back

his words before entering the door. Tell Xun Sheng? After thinking about it for a while, I felt that it was of no use and I was discouraged.

Xun Sheng lowered his head to tuck his quilt and said, "Go to sleep, I'll be here with you."

Xiu Cheng did not comment and slowly closed his eyes. After a long time, he held his stomach uncomfortably and said lightly: "Xun Sheng, you never want to divorce me. Why?"

Xun Sheng lowered his eyes: "I love you." "

...but? I I can't repay you."

"I know." Xun Sheng's eyes were dim. He stretched out his hand to gently cover Xiu Cheng's abdomen and whispered: "I don't like others touching you, even if it's Xiu Ling. No way."

Xiu Cheng said coldly: "You are perverted."

"Yeah." Xun Sheng was not annoyed and calmly accepted Xiu Cheng's evaluation of him.

The terrible thing about him is precisely this. After getting married, he did a lot of little things behind his back. Once exposed or brought to the surface, his attitude was very low. He would not fight back or scold him, but he would never apologize.

Xiu Cheng didn't want to say anything to him anymore, so he turned his head and took a nap with his eyes squinted.

This time, I actually fell asleep and had a bunch of weird dreams. In a trance, he turned into a teenager, sitting in a third-grade elementary school classroom. The art teacher and head teacher walked into the classroom with the bell ringing, and announced to all the little Omegas in the class that their school held a party with an alpha school. In a few days, representatives will be sent to alpha school to visit the performance.

In the empire, Alpha schools often request friendships with Omega schools. The so-called friendship means that the Omega school sends some representatives to perform at the other school, similar to condolence performances in the army.

These representatives are chosen by drawing lots, one or two from each class.

Xiu Cheng lay on the desk, covered his head with an open book, and muttered silently: "Don't hit me, don't hit me, don't hit me..."

"Xiu Cheng!" The head teacher glanced at The lottery results appeared on the screen and said: "After class, you come to my office to register and tell me the show you want to perform."

A little Omega with a round face at the same table bumped him with his elbow. After a while, he whispered: "Xiu Cheng, it's you again this time. Is there something wrong with this lottery system? It pulls you out every time."

Xiu Cheng lay on the table dejectedly, not wanting to move at all. .

The screen rotated rapidly, and he walked into a classroom full of "little alphas". First, he made a simple self-introduction, and then performed a cross talk with an expressionless face.

Although the performance was serious and dull, the little alphas under the podium started to shout.

"Teacher, teacher!" A tall alpha in the back row raised his hand and said loudly: "Xun Sheng has something to say?"

The teacher signaled the little alphas to be quiet and asked Xun Sheng to stand up.

Xun Sheng's seat is in the last row, or in a corner, which can be said to be very remote. Xiu Cheng turned his head slightly and looked over the heads of the students to the tall and thin boy standing in the corner.

The boy was also looking at him, noticed his gaze, and suddenly grinned at him.

The teacher asked: "Xun Sheng, do you have any questions?"

"I..." The little alpha hesitated for a moment, subconsciously picked up the pen on the table and turned it around, and said in a neither high nor low voice: "If there are still friendships in the future, , I want Xiu Cheng to continue to perform in our class."

The room full of little alphas covered their mouths and snickered, and another little alpha stood up: "Teacher, teacher, next time we have a social gathering, I also hope that brother Xiu Cheng can do it again. Come here!"

The teacher said with a smile: "I know you like Xiucheng, but these are determined by drawing lots and randomly assigned, so next time it may not be Brother Xiucheng." There was disappointment in the classroom

. ?Sigh.

Xun Sheng sat back in his seat, his face drooped, and he turned the pen rapidly in his hand, feeling very unhappy.

The picture shook violently and suddenly shattered like glass, split into thousands of fragments. Xiu Cheng felt so heavy that he almost couldn't breathe for a moment. His whole body shook and he opened his eyes.

Xun Sheng sat on one side, opened the terminal and looked at something. When he heard the movement, he immediately closed the terminal and turned to look at Xiu Cheng.

"The robot came here just now to send a message, asking us to go down for dinner."

Xiu Cheng said nothing, his mind was filled with thoughts about the dream just now. If the dream was true, then he and Xun Sheng should be very young. He had seen it before, but he didn't remember it at all. Considering his IQ, the number of things he didn't remember was almost zero.

Then it is just a dream.

But why would you have such a dream?

Xiu Cheng couldn't figure it out, but things like dreams were uncontrollable and unspeakable. He shook his head and ignored them.

The dining room in Xiujia's is not big. It used to be a good place for a family of four to sit together and eat. Now, when there are more people, it immediately becomes crowded.

The nun's mother cooked a table of dishes, most of which were the favorites of her two sons. She also made a small pot of tonic soup for Xiu Cheng.

Xiu Cheng walked over and sat next to his father, and then heard Xun Yi say dissatisfiedly: "Father, Daddy, you guys came down so slowly." In the Xun family, he did not dare to talk to his two fathers like this, but With his grandparents supporting him in the Xiu family, he became bolder.

Xun Yi was next to the nun, holding a bottle of carbonated drink in her hand, and took a big sip.

The nun said: "This kind of drink is not good for the body. I can only drink one bottle today."

"I know, grandma."

The whole family sat down one after another. As soon as they collided, they roughly figured out each other's background.

Xun Sheng's hand paused imperceptibly, his eyes half lowered, but a turbulent wave was already stirring in his heart.

The level of his mental power is S+, which is already a rare excellence. For a long time, he thought that there was only one level difference between the mental power of S+ and the SS-level mental power. He trained diligently and cultivated it the day after tomorrow. It is not difficult to catch up with the gap of one level in terms of strength.

Only now did I realize that there was a huge gap between the two of them.

Generally speaking, the highest level of mental power is S+. The reason why the SS classification appears is because this kind of mental power far exceeds the standards for mental power evaluation. It is unfathomable and has no limit.

It can even continue to improve as the owner grows.

Xun Sheng's fingers slowly curled up.

Just listen to Xiu's father say: "Okay, now let's eat."

This is what Xun Yi was waiting for. Hearing this, he cheered and put down his chopsticks unceremoniously.

Gu Yin picked up a few vegetables and put them into a bowl for Xiu Ling: "The food cooked by mom must be delicious. I will eat more today."

This was his habitual action. Xiu Ling has a small appetite and likes to eat staple food rather than vegetables. Whenever Gu Yin saw that the vegetables in his bowl were gone, he would put some in them and pile them into a small mountain in his bowl.

"You gave me too many vegetables." Xiu Ling whispered, "I want to eat shrimp."

Gu Yin picked up a fat and tender prawn, peeled it out, and dipped it in the sauce. Put it into Xiu Ling's mouth.

This scene happened to be seen by the nun. The old man glanced at his son and felt something in his heart.

Father Xiu opened a bottle of wine, glanced around, and said: "Our family is not that particular, and we don't like toasting. Anyone who wants to drink this bottle of wine can just take it and pour it... It's not a good wine, just to cheer you up."

This is a bottle of red wine produced on Landscape Star No. 6. Although it is not top-notch, it is still very rare. It's just that the two sons-in-law are wealthy owners and have probably eaten all kinds of delicacies, so Xiu's father doesn't want to do whatever they want.

Xiu Ling smiled and said, "Dad, I want to drink."

"You can't drink." Sister Sister quickly said, "Omega can't drink. What will you do if you're drunk?"

"You're just drunk." Anyway, there is nothing going on at home."

The nun glanced at Gu Yin casually, and hurriedly avoided her eyes without even seeing Gu Yin's expression clearly.

"You kid, you are becoming more and more disobedient. If you can't drink, you just can't drink. There are so many drinks at home, you can drink them as long as you want, but wine is not good."

Xiu Ling just said it for fun, without thinking. If he drinks too much, the last time he lost his temper while drunk and was noticed by Gu Yin has become a psychological shadow for him, and he doesn't want to do it again.

Gu Yin turned the red wine to him, poured a glass, sniffed at the mouth of the glass, and said with a smile: "Dad, this is the famous wine from Landscape Star No. 6. It is very delicious. How did you buy it?" ?"

As soon as he spoke, everyone was stunned for a moment, even Xiu's father was stunned. When he and his mother-in-law put aside their pride and asked Gu Yin to cancel their engagement, but received a cold rejection from Gu Yin, his father-in-law had always been resentful. In the living room just now, he had inevitably given Gu Yin some advice and education as a parent. , and his attitude was not very warm either. He didn't expect Gu Yin to be so warm.

Xun Sheng silently picked up the vegetables and stuffed them into his mouth expressionlessly.

The nun's mother squeezed her husband's hand and said to herself: "Who is your father? We only have two sons in our family."

"I asked a friend to buy it." The nun's father replied concisely, reaching out and knocking on the table. Said: "Why don't you eat? Isn't the food delicious?"

"It's delicious! It's super delicious! The most delicious in the world!" Xun Yi puffed out his cheeks and chewed the food in his mouth hard. , while holding his smelly feet inarticulately.

The nun lovingly touched her grandson's head, picked up a shrimp and peeled it for him.

"Mom." Xiu Cheng said, "You let him peel it off by himself."

Xiu Mu: "He can't peel it off well."

"He has his own hands." Xiu Cheng said calmly.

Xun Yi carefully looked back and forth between her grandma and her father for a moment, then reached out to take the shrimp from Xiu Mu's hand, raised her little face, and said with a sweet smile: "Grandma, I can just peel it myself." "

Xun Yi I'm most afraid of my brother." Xiu Ling whispered to Gu Yin, "Only my brother can control him."

Gu Yin smiled, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Is this wine good?" Xiu Ling asked.

"Want to try it?"

Xiu Ling said, "No.

" Gu Yin paused, picked up his chopsticks, dipped his hands into the wine glass, and put it to his partner's lips: "Really? I don't want to taste it." Taste it? The wine is delicious."

The refreshing aroma rushed into his nose instantly. Xiu Ling seemed to be bewitched by him. He opened his mouth to hold the chopsticks and stretched out his tongue to lick it gently.

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