Chapter 116

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With a flash of thought, Gu Yin had already overturned this idea. It was at that moment that he realized that a traitor had appeared around him.

The Third Star Military Headquarters rebelled just when he was deeply involved in the war and was unable to do anything, and his mecha was inexplicably linked to other mechas in the "self-destruct mode". If this is a coincidence, then it is really a coincidence.

Thinking of this, Gu Yin's heart went cold.

At that time, the "Tomorrow Ship" had not been hijacked yet. The "Tomorrow Ship" was ambushed and captured, and Gu Yin did not receive any news. In fact, he was trapped in an iron-walled mecha and could no longer communicate with the outside world.

Gu Yin's mecha is one of the best in the interstellar world. It has excellent performance and is extremely hard. Entering inside is an absolutely safe space. Ordinary weapons will only leave a shallow mark when hit on the mecha. Basically, the small pits can be ignored and pose no threat to the mecha.

When the mecha is functioning normally, it is a paradise that protects its owner. But when the mecha "self-destructs", the entire mecha becomes an airtight cage, and the people inside are trapped alive and cannot get out at all? go.

It was dark inside the mecha, and Gu Yin couldn't see what was going on outside. He tried to open the hatch with brute force. He struggled for a long time, panting and exhausted, but to no avail.

Think about it, this big guy who can't even move an inch of ammunition, no matter how strong his mental power is, he is still made of flesh and blood, and he can't do anything about it.

Gu Yin rested for a moment, recalling the route he had taken before in his mind. He exerted all his energy and actually carried the entire mecha by himself. He walked step by step to a hidden place and carefully hid it.

That mecha weighs a ton of weight when worn on the body, and it is not something that ordinary people can bear. Let alone walking in it, even simply lifting it up, I am afraid that not many people in the entire galaxy can do it.

Gu Yin hid himself in a signal blind spot and closed his eyes with some exhaustion.

He had consumed too much energy, and the inside of the mecha was extremely hot. During the day, when the sky was shining, the inside was like a big furnace, roasting people all over. At night, the temperature dropped, and the inside turned into an ice cellar.

The climate of the Ninth Resource Star is harsh, and the temperature changes in Bawang Mountain are even more drastic. It is sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy. One second there is flames, and the next second there is heavy snow. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult to capture Bawang Mountain.

If anyone else were trapped in such a place, barely able to move, surrounded by pitch black darkness, unable to hear any sounds from the outside world, not knowing when they would be rescued, and worried about being captured by the enemy, their mentality would have already collapsed. , but Gu Yin's willpower was extremely strong. He tried hard to relax his body and keep his consciousness awake.

According to the original plan, Gu Yin would secretly return to the fleet on the third day, so he traveled lightly and did not bring any extra food. At this time, there was only one bottle of water left in the mecha, and he wanted to use this bottle of water to boil it. to be found by his own people.

Maybe it's a day, maybe it's a week, maybe it's a month.

No matter how long it takes, he must live.

Because someone said that they would wait for him to go back.

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