Chapter 124 Extra 7

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Xiu Cheng had a very regular schedule. He woke up on time at seven o'clock the next morning. Unexpectedly, Xun Sheng got up earlier than him. As soon as he walked to the dining room downstairs, he saw Xun Sheng walking out the door sweating profusely. Come in.

It is certain that Xun Sheng will join the military in the future. In addition to his studies, he also has to go to the simulation cabin for physical training every morning. Because I was stuck with Xiucheng in Qingfeng Garden some time ago, I missed many classes and had to make up classes on the first day of my wedding.

The two people looked at each other and didn't speak for a while.

Xiu Cheng was sitting at the dining table and heard Xun Sheng in the living room asking the chef what kind of food he was cooking and instructing the chef to cook more food that would help the fetus grow in the future.

Before getting married, Xun Sheng asked a private doctor to examine Xiu Cheng. The doctor told him that their child was a healthy alpha boy, and judging from the mental power fluctuations detected in the mother's body, this alpha's future mental power level would not be high. too low.

The entire Xun family has great expectations for this unborn little alpha. Especially Xun Sheng, he has already designated this child as his successor.

According to imperial customs, omegas need to go home to visit their relatives on the first day after marriage. Xiu Cheng finished his breakfast, changed into casual clothes, took the gifts he had prepared a long time ago, and walked towards the aircraft landing pad with some eagerness.

As soon as he went out, the media's cannonballs surrounded him. Dozens of reporters were standing on the lawn, seemingly waiting for him there very early.

Xiucheng is not very good at dealing with such situations, especially when reporters swarm up and ask questions. Even though he is extremely intelligent, he is overwhelmed.

Xun Sheng looked like a human and a dog. He held his waist with one hand and answered the questions patiently with a slight smile on his face.

A beta rushed forward, his face flushed with excitement, and he asked: "——Master Xun, how did you and Mr. Xiu meet?" "

At the opening ceremony." Xun Sheng said slowly: "We all? He is a student representative who needs to speak on stage. In the preparation area, I saw many omegas surrounding him, asking him questions. You know, for this kind of speech, someone has to prepare a speech draft, and students only need to memorize it. Just go up to the stage and read from the script. The script had just been sent to us at that time. I was afraid that he would not have time to prepare, so I stepped forward and interrupted the omegas who asked questions."

The beta did not expect that he would answer in such detail, and couldn't help but ask: "What happened next?"

"Then he told me that he could memorize that kind of manuscript as long as he read it twice before going on stage." Xun Sheng said with a smile: "I thought at the time, an omega would be great. The

reporters had always heard that this young master of the Xun family had a bad temper. Who knew he was so humorous and friendly to the people? They gradually relaxed their courage and asked: "Master Xun, who pursued you first or Mr. Xiu?" Who?"

Xun Sheng held Xiu Cheng's hand, gently rubbed his fingertips against his soft palm, and said, "I chased him." There

was a burst of sighs from the crowd, and someone asked: "Mr. Xiu, what about that?" When did you agree to Master Xun's pursuit?" Xiu Cheng raised his head and glanced at the reporter lightly. Xun Sheng hurriedly stood in front of him and said with a smile: "That's it for today, we are

in a hurry."

Then, he opened the hatch, helped Xiucheng onto the aircraft, and jumped on board briskly.

It was already past ten o'clock in the morning when we arrived at Xiu's house. The nun's mother took her son's hand and looked at him carefully for a moment. She saw that he seemed to be in good spirits, and then she felt relieved.

At this time, Xiu Ling suddenly came down from upstairs, gave Xun Sheng a very unfriendly look, took Xiu Cheng's hand and walked into his small bedroom.

"Brother..." He pulled up a bunch of news from the terminal, frowned and asked, "Did Xun Sheng do something wrong? What on earth did he want to do?"

Xiu Cheng browsed through the news quickly, and saw that all the news was... It was an article reporting on his and Xun Sheng's husband and wife. There were many pictures in it. There were pictures of Xun Sheng holding his waist, and Xun Sheng smiling affectionately at him. The background was all the lawn of Xun's family. It was obviously those Taken during a reporter's interview.

Xun Sheng behaved so deliberately in the morning, Xiu Cheng could more or less guess what he was thinking.

He is trying hard to create an excellent alpha image in front of the public who respects and loves his partner. Firstly, this will block Xiucheng's future divorce. Secondly, having such a good public image will have a great impact on his future. It will be helpful for your official career.

When others see these photos, they will definitely think that they are a loving couple and have a deep love for each other, but Xiu Ling knows the inside story, and he does not want to believe a word Xun Sheng said.

"Let him do whatever he wants." Xiu Cheng turned off the news one by one, feeling frustrated.

He was indeed disheartened. Because he was forced to interrupt his studies, Xiucheng had no choice but to study on his own. Sometimes when he encountered a problem that he didn't understand, he would consult the professor online. He spent most of the day in his study, sometimes reading very late at night. Even if he felt unwell, he did not change his original schedule at all.

Xun Sheng had nothing to do with him. Several times, he ordered Xiu Cheng to rest on the grounds of the fetus, and Xiu Cheng obediently complied, but Xun Sheng was still not satisfied.

Sometimes he even hoped that Xiu Cheng would have a quarrel with him or beat him up, instead of accepting it with such indifference.

But Xiu Cheng couldn't.

It is true that Xiu Cheng doesn't quarrel. He has his own set of rules of conduct and ways of resolving emotions. These things are deeply ingrained in his bones and make all his actions carry a calm restraint.

He can be as gentle as jade, or as cold as frost and snow, but he will never be hysterical.

Xun Sheng didn't like his restraint, but he fell in love with Xiu Cheng.

The two can't seem to get along.

But Xiucheng could live his life peacefully, even if he didn't have any affection for Xun Sheng.

Did the little alpha speak out? That day, Xun Sheng hurried from the military headquarters to the hospital. He started interning at the military headquarters two months ago and had almost no vacation. He had not seen Xiu Cheng for nearly half a month.

When he misses me, he will invite Xiucheng to talk, but Xiucheng rarely refuses. The two of them chat like strangers for a while, usually for three minutes. Xiucheng will end the call on time with various reasons.

Xun Sheng wanted to see the little alpha, and even more so, Xiu Cheng.

The separate ward has its own living room and bathroom. Four or five doctors are sitting around in the living room, and there are two carefully selected nannies next to them. One of the nannies is holding a tender baby in her arms. When she sees Xun Sheng leave, Coming in, Bu Jin took the baby over and said with a smile: "Master Xun, he is a handsome little alpha."

Xun Sheng nodded. He wanted to reach out and hug the little alpha, but he didn't know what to do. hug. Just looking at him quietly, I couldn't tell for a while whether he looked more like Xiu Cheng or more like me.

The little alpha was sleeping soundly. He seemed to feel the comfort of his father's spiritual power. He suddenly opened his eyes and grinned.

The nursery nurse beamed: "You can laugh at such a young age. You will definitely be very smart in the future."

Xun Sheng felt warm in his heart. He took off his gloves, gently poked the little alpha on the face, and said with a low smile: "You bastard. "

The brat's name is Xun Yi. The name was given by Xun Sheng. I'm afraid only he himself knows the deep meaning. If Xiu Cheng thought about it, he might be able to guess it, but he didn't want to waste his thoughts on it.

Maybe because they are both alphas, Xun Yi has a very fond impression of his alpha father. As long as Xun Sheng is around, he won't cry or make a fuss. He just opens his two dark eyes, curious. Looking east and west.

Xun Sheng followed the nursery's instructions, carefully picked him up in his arms, and went to visit Xiu Cheng in the room.

There was a faint smell of medicine in the ward. Xiu Cheng was lying on the bed, his face as white as snow, his eyes slightly closed, and a nutritional drip on his arm.

Xun Sheng felt sour in his heart. He walked lightly to the bedside and suddenly heard Xiu Cheng whispering, "Mom, I'm a little tired." Xun Sheng was

startled and looked up. Xiu Cheng still had his eyes closed. , long and fine eyelashes spread down, taking advantage of the pale face, there is a kind of fragile beauty.

It turned out that he was talking in his sleep.

Xun Sheng sat beside his bed, his chest was hot, and he blurted out: "I won't make you tired in the future." There was

silence in the ward, except for the sound of the nutrient solution flowing down the transparent needle into Xiu Cheng's body. ?Inside the body, Xiucheng was sleeping motionless.

Xun Sheng hired four or five servants to take care of Xun Yi's daily life, locked the study door, confiscated Xiu Cheng's terminal, and forced Xiu Cheng to rest and recuperate. Now Xiucheng was completely free. After two months of doing nothing, his body had almost recovered, so he couldn't help but ask Xun Sheng for the key to the study.

This study was originally opened with a password. Xun Sheng knew that it would not be difficult for Xiu Cheng to crack the password, so he simply replaced it with a wooden door equipped with an iron lock.

He felt a headache when he thought of Xiu Cheng sitting in the study, not listening to what was going on outside the window. Xun Sheng didn't want to experience that kind of life again. He made various excuses to stall, but Xiu Cheng just said calmly: "I know. ."

The next day, Xun Sheng received a call from the housekeeper, saying that Xiucheng had hired maintenance workers to tear down the study door.

Xun Sheng was so angry that he almost threw out the report in his hand.

However, he had to complete his studies and was interning in the military at the same time. He had no time to take care of his family affairs, and his meetings with Xiu Cheng became less and less.

He found Lu Qin and asked Lu Qin to protect Xiu Cheng's safety. It was for protection, but actually it was for surveillance.

Lu Qin would report Xiu Cheng's whereabouts to him every day, with photos and short videos, but like this? Water far away cannot quench the thirst of the near. Xun Sheng gritted his teeth and found a casual job for Xiu Cheng in the military department. The working place was opposite his office building, and he felt a little satisfied.

Individuals were not allowed to refuse jobs assigned by the military for any reason. When Xiu Cheng received the letter of appointment, he was in a daze for a moment, then smiled with clarity, and reported to the military the next day.

The employees in that department are all omegas, and they are all family members of military officers. They are all beautiful and noble, and they go to work purely to kill boring time.

Xiu Cheng gets along well with them, and he often receives love cookies and various interesting gadgets from omegas.

After work, he had a lot of time to do theoretical research in the office, and the food and environment in the military headquarters were very good, and it was very safe. Xiu Cheng gradually felt that life like this was not so bad after all.

The author has something to say:

I have written a new article, and I hope you lovely people will support it.

My computer was flooded with water some time ago. I called the after-sales service and described the extent of the damage. The after-sales service said that the motherboard needs to be replaced. Change the screen. I asked how much it would cost, and after-sales service said it would cost more than 4,000 for the motherboard and more than 3,000 for the screen. Me: ...

Then I found a repairman and fixed it for 300 yuan (without replacing the screen). However, the computer seems to have left behind sequelae. Occasionally, it will shut down suddenly. Today, it shut down while I was writing. More than 2,000 words were not saved and all were lost. I was really heartbroken and wrote it all over again.


after this is a chapter full of ups and downs, I will probably have this kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder: write a word and save it.

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