Chapter 38

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Gu Yin arranged for half an hour for lunch. He took the time to look at his watch and saw that there were seven minutes left. If he didn't want to see Xiu Ling, he probably wouldn't even eat.

Xiu Ling knew that he was pressed for time and did not dare to delay him. He quickly filled his stomach and put his chopsticks on the table: "I'm full." "

..." Gu Yin said, "Why do you eat so much? Fast? It's time for the stomach to digest again."

"It's not that fragile." Xiu Ling stuck out his tongue, trying to get rid of the spicy taste on the tip of his tongue. Although he's still not quite used to the spiciness, it's not unacceptable after all.

Gu Yin said, "Don't force yourself in the future. If you really can't eat spicy food, just don't eat it." "

I think it's quite delicious." Xiu Ling said, "Don't always think of me as fragile. I'm fine." Feeding, there is no bad habit of being picky about food."

He didn't know why these words poked Gu Yin again. As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Yin stood up, crossed his upper body over the table, and stretched out his long arm to wrap his head around him. Go and give him a heavy kiss on the forehead.

After the two of them finished eating, Gu Yin ordered a snack and asked the waiter to pack it and put it in Xiu Ling's hand.

"Are these snacks bought for me?" Xiu Ling smiled.

Gu Yin nodded with a smile, acquiescing.

The two of them walked out of the restaurant in front and back. They didn't feel it inside. As soon as they went out, they found that the weather outside had become colder. The cool breeze blew on their faces and Xiu Ling shivered.

"Put on your coat." He turned to look at Gu Yin. Seeing that the other party made no move, he simply pulled the coat off Gu Yin's arm, grabbed the collar and unfolded it: "Put it on quickly.

" The restaurant's business is good, and now it's dinner time, so there are a lot of people coming and going at the door. Both of them are particularly conspicuous in the crowd, and many people have been secretly looking at them.

With a smile on his face, Gu Yin put on his coat obediently.

Xiu Ling looked around and saw that there were relatively few people around at this moment, so he walked to Gu Yin with his head lowered, raised his hands, and buttoned the buttons on his coat one by one.

"I want to go home with you." Gu Yin lowered his eyes slightly and looked at Xiu Ling's black hair.

"You can go back in the evening." Xiu Ling fastened his buttons and took a step back: "I'm leaving first, Mr. Cheng is still waiting." Cheng

Yixian's aircraft was parked at the door, a few meters away from him. ?They are neither far nor close, just right.

Xiu Ling took two steps towards the direction of the aircraft when he heard Gu Yin calling from behind: "Xiao Ling."

He turned around and saw Gu Yin move his right hand very quickly. A gesture. Xiu Ling had never seen this gesture before, and it was not easy to speculate on its meaning. He just smiled at Gu Yin and said, "I'm leaving first." "

Yeah." Gu Yin said: "I'll go back earlier in the evening."

"Okay." Xiu Ling took a deep look at him, turned around, walked a few steps quickly, and got into the aircraft.

Cheng Yixian accidentally glanced at his face, which was clear and translucent, with a touch of pink, and his eyes were slightly drooped. Black and white were clearly distinguishable. It was really indescribably beautiful. I thought to myself, no wonder Gu Yin went out of his way to pursue her. Who wouldn't want such a top-notch omega?

He held it in for a while, but couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Xiu, what do you think of our boss?"

Xiu Ling knew that this was a cliché, so he deliberately said: "Be kind to employees, and have good working ability." Qiang is a good boss."

Cheng Yixian: "...I mean, how is he?"

Xiu Ling smiled: "What exactly do you want to ask? You and him? How are you doing with him for so many years? You should know better than me."

Cheng Yixian gritted his teeth: "As an alpha, how is his charm?"

After asking this question, it would be unkind to pretend to be stupid. Xiu Ling didn't say anything for a moment and turned his head. I was seeing large pieces of clouds outside the window, soft and soft, like a dream.

"He deserves my trust." Xiu Ling said softly.

Cheng Yi was startled for a moment.

Neither of them spoke after that. Cheng Yi sent Xiu Ling home first and left in a hurry. Xiu Ling walked around upstairs and downstairs, watered the green plants in the corridor, opened the terminal and continued to search on the recruitment website. Work.

Finding a job is inherently troublesome, and the education in the Empire is very different from the education in the Third Star. Does your diploma work here? Or not? Another question?

Although it is generally believed that the empire's education industry is relatively developed, the Third Star has no need for talents like him, so no matter how good the conditions are, it is useless.

After fixing the tags and filtering, several new jobs were displayed.

I was quite interested at first, but once I saw the comments below, I didn't want to consider it anymore.

"Brothers and sisters who are looking for jobs, be careful! This is a leather company, a big pit, a big fire pit! Don't jump down!" "It says it's a

game company, but it's actually a scammer! Go first. I'll draw you a big pie and ask employees to pay for shares. I've been working for several years and I've never seen such a weird unit." "

Don't invest, don't invest, don't invest! Say important things three times!"

Xiu Ling looked down. After looking through it, there are only a few scattered positive reviews, and the rest are basically to advise everyone to choose carefully. He originally wondered if someone had deliberately left a negative review. When he entered the company name into the smart terminal to check, a scandal emerged about the company's boss molesting Omega employees.

This unit was completely blacklisted. Xiu Ling knew that he couldn't rush when looking for a job, he had to take his time and approach it slowly. He went to the backend to update his resume, set his resume to private status, then turned off the terminal and planned to go to the study room to read a book.

When he just walked upstairs, he suddenly felt thirsty. Xiu Ling thought that time would be hard to kill anyway, so he didn't call the robot, but went downstairs to pour a glass of water.

This thirst came suddenly. Xiu Ling stood directly in front of the water dispenser and drank a large glass. Feeling better, he took another glass of water and walked upstairs with it.

There were no restrictions on them in any room in Gu's house. Xiu Ling walked into the study and found a few books about ancient civilization according to the labels on the bookshelf.

After watching for an hour and drinking three or four glasses of water, my mouth was still a little dry. Not only was he thirsty, but he also felt a familiar warmth in his body.

Xiu Ling thought of something and ran to the bedroom to get a thermometer to measure her temperature. Sure enough, her temperature also rose.

This was a sign of the coming of estrus. His estrus was already within these few days, so Xiu Ling was not surprised. He ran to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water. As soon as he wiped his hands, his palms became sweaty.

The gurgling heat swept over him like a wave. Xiu Ling pressed one hand hard on the washstand and gasped for breath. At that moment, a small box appeared in his mind. Xiu Ling remembered that the small box contained two inhibitors, which he had brought from the empire. Just as I was about to look for it, the thought flashed past me again like a lantern.

A mist formed in Xiu Ling's eyes. He untied his clothes with trembling fingers, turned on the shower and took a cold shower, and then his consciousness slowly became clear.

This kind of clarity only lasted for a moment, and a deeper and wider heat overwhelmed him again.

Xiu Ling's whole body was trembling, and through the mist, they seemed to see someone pushing open the door. The person who came was tall, with particularly strong steps and a vague face.

"Gu Yin..." he whispered, and took a step forward, only to realize that it was just an illusion, and he was the only one in the bathroom.

Xiu Ling stood stunned for a moment, turned off the shower, wrapped his body in a bath towel, and returned to the bedroom shakily. It was already dark by this time, and the curtains were drawn in the bedroom to block out the remaining light from the sky.

Xiu Ling shivered and touched the edge of the bed, climbed onto the bed and curled up.

Only his rapid breathing could be heard in the darkness. Compared with his unbearable panting, the time seemed extremely long. Xiu Ling closed her eyes tightly, thinking vaguely that when Gu Yin comes back, when he comes back, everything will be fine.

I don't know how much time passed, the light in the bedroom was turned on, and a deep voice said: "Xiao Ling?"

Xiu Ling raised his head and looked at the direction of the voice with tearful eyes, wanting to respond, but because his throat was really dry , the sound passed through his throat but did not come out.

"What's wrong?" The visitor's tone was very panicked, and then a cool palm touched his forehead.

Xiu Ling rubbed it comfortably in his palm, and his voice seemed to be whispering: "Gu Yin..."

Gu Yin said: "Yes, I'm here."

"I'm in estrus."

The other person's voice became more and more depressed: "I know? "

I...I feel bad."

"Yes, I know."


"Do you need my help?" Gu Yin suddenly tightened one hand, took a deep breath, and said: "Xiao Ling, as long as you say you need it."

"I..." Xiu Ling paused, almost crying in his voice: "Will you always be nice to me?"

"Yes..." Gu Yin said gently Kissing the top of Xiu Ling's hair, he held his waist with both hands, pressed his body hard, and said almost piously: "You will do it if you say it, Xiaoling, you Trust me."

Xiu Ling's whole body felt hot, and the overbearing pheromones on Gu Yin's body violently impacted his nerves. His mind was in chaos, and his mind was slowly drifting.

"Cover... cover yourself with the quilt." He said in a low voice, his voice trembling slightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden weight on his body, and Gu Yin wrapped both of them in the quilt.


At noon the next day, Xiu Ling woke up belatedly. He first stared blankly at the ceiling for a while, then seemed to have thought of something, and subconsciously touched himself.

My body is fresh and refreshing, and I am wearing pajamas, which is no different from usual.

But Xiu Ling knew that everything was different.

He turned his head, and there happened to be someone next to him who also turned to look at him. The two people's eyes met. After a while, Gu Yin said warmly: "Are you awake?" "


"Are you... okay?" "

Xiu Ling knew what he was asking. He lowered his head and coughed, then cleared his throat: "It's...ok." "I

cried last night." Gu Yin put down his pen and stood up from the chair on the side. , Xiu Ling discovered that he was working nearby. There was a small table with a pile of documents scattered on the table.

"I'm sorry for causing you pain." Gu Yin sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to take Xiu Ling into his arms, gently rubbed his ears with his fingers, and whispered: "I will pay attention to it in the future."

Xiu Ling was red. He said with a face: "It's nothing." After all, he was in heat, and the book said that it would inevitably hurt the first time, so he thought it was nothing serious.

Gu Yin used a little force on his hand to wrap Xiu Ling in his arm, and was silent for a long time.

"Are you working from home today??" Xiu Ling had nothing to say.

"Well, I'm restless at work. I'm afraid you'll be scared at home alone."

Xiu Ling laughed and said, "Why do you always think I'll be scared? I'm an adult long ago, not a child." "I

'm just scared." Gu Yin He said, "I don't know what's wrong. I'm just worried."

Gu Yin actually said that he couldn't tell what he was worried about specifically, but he had been worried about gains and losses for the past two days and was in a state of panic. Even if he had excellent self-control, he couldn't control it. Live and occasionally leave? God's random thoughts.

Seeing his serious expression, Xiu Ling couldn't help joking: "Are you still afraid that I'll leave?"

He was just a joke to ease the atmosphere, but Gu Yin's body suddenly stiffened and his arms stiffened after hearing this. It also tightened.

"You're just worried." Xiu Ling nestled in his arms, stretched his neck, and exposed his glands in front of Gu Yin: "Look what this is? You've bitten me, and I'm still Where can we go?"

Gu Yin smiled slightly and rubbed the tooth mark affectionately.

Xiu Ling is a shy person, but he is very clear about feelings in his heart. His mother told him since he was a child that if you like someone, you should try to be nice to them. Don't hide anything you have to say, but say it out to reassure the other person.

Although he couldn't quite understand Gu Yin's uneasiness, he still had to say it. After all, love has been expressed and the sheets have been rolled off. If they continue to hesitate, it will be too disrespectful.

"What time is it now?" Xiu Ling asked.

"It's almost twelve o'clock. Are you hungry? You didn't eat last night." Gu Yin said, "I asked Ma Zhang to make soup and bring it to you."

After Omega is marked, it is best to eat two Tian Liushi, Xiu Ling was grateful for his thoughtfulness, so he raised his face and smiled brightly at him.

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