Chapter 44

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The photographer's surname is Liu, and his name is Liu Sen. He and Cheng Yixian grew up together, and the two families faced each other. He is tall and big, with a rough appearance, and the corners of his mouth are slightly turned down. At first glance, he looks very inhumane.

This was the first time Xiu Ling saw a beta with such a body shape, and he couldn't help but take a second look.

Although Liu Sen looks like a big brother who leads people into fights in an alley, he is actually an artist with quite romantic feelings. When he became an adult, he traveled to the stars alone to collect stories and find inspiration. In the past ten years, he has traveled to many countries and published two photography books.

This time he was going back to the third planet to pay homage to his ancestors. He originally planned to stay for two days and then leave, but he didn't think about taking over the job. Yesterday, when he was catching up on his sleep at noon, Cheng Yixian frantically sent him a video invitation.

Liu Sen answered the question and asked him to take a family photo for Gu Yin.

Liu Sen is a man of few words and an arrogant personality. He has not been gregarious since he was a child. When he grew up, he became more and more fond of criticizing the current ills and looked down on the so-called politicians and celebrities in the upper class. I heard that he was serving Gu Yin, so he got it first. How unhappy.

Although Gu Yin does not have an official position, he has been working for the provisional government these years, secretly manipulating the economic and military power of the third planet. He is a ruthless character who kills without blood.

In Liu Sen's eyes, he was just a centimeter better than those high-sounding politicians. Gu Yin was too tough, so tough that he didn't want to deal with Gu Yin.

Unlike his unwillingness to deal with politicians, he was simply afraid of Gu Yin. When he heard this name, he would think of the fear of killing.

Liu Sen admired Cheng Yixian very much on this point. The boy was so thin and weak that he couldn't carry his hands on his shoulders. If the wind was a little stronger, he could be blown around. The most important thing was his mental strength. The level is also extremely low. It was very incredible for Liu Sen that such a person could stay with Gu Yin for so long and get along with Gu Yin like a friend.

Cheng Yi first understood the temper of his childhood best friend, and when he saw him stuttering, he immediately poured out all the words he had prepared.

He started from the fact that they were born on the same day in the hospital, talked about the past of going to kindergarten together, talked about Liu Sen skipping classes and he helped to cover up, and also mentioned that Liu Sen lived in their house for a while, and the two of them There was also the friendship of sleeping in the same room...

but later on, Liu Sen was forced to talk about it and shed a few tears.

Since there is such a shattering friendship, it would be too unkind for Liu Sen to refuse again. So the big man wiped his face and said, "Just this once, don't come to me again if you have such a thing in the future."

Cheng Yi agreed with a smile, and also specifically told him that the newly promoted Gu The madam is a rare beauty. Let him pay attention to his manners in front of Madam Gu.

Liu Sen didn't take it seriously. He had no feelings for Omega, let alone alpha and beta. He suspected that he might be sexually frigid.

The back garden is very secluded. There is a swing on two flower trees. Further in, there are several winding paths. The roads are covered with luxuriant grasses and occasionally dotted with one or two bushes of Albizia julibrissin. flower.

Gu Yin and Xiu Ling walked arm in arm across the gravel road, Liu Sen followed behind with equipment on his back. Looking from his angle, he could clearly see their backs, one tall and tall, the other thin and slender.

From an aesthetic point of view, or from a more professional composition point of view, they are incomparably harmonious.

The two of them sat on chairs. Liu Sen took out the camera from his bag and reset the camera data according to the surrounding environment and the light of the day.

Xiu Ling held the flower in one hand, and the other hand was tightly clasped with Gu Yin's, hanging on the side of his thigh. Seeing Liu Sen pointing the camera in his direction, Xiu Ling suddenly became a little nervous.

"Can you check my hair for me? Is it messy?" He said softly to Gu Yin.

Gu Yin touched the braid on his back. After stopping for about half a minute, he took his hand away and said, "It's not messy, it's fine." His

hair was black and soft, with a little bit of tinge to it. Self-rolled, slightly fluffy when tied up, giving it a lazy and charming sexy look.

Gu Yin liked his hair very much. He often buried his face in his hair and sniffed it quietly.

Ever since Xiu Ling discovered this problem, he would wash his hair very diligently every day. He had three brands of shampoo at home, which he used frequently.

"Your collar is wrinkled." Xiu Ling put down the vase, stretched out his hand to help Gu Yin smooth the collar, looked at him up and down, and smiled: "Are you dressing up secretly because you have to take pictures today? What?"

He always felt that Gu Yin seemed to be much more handsome than usual today.

Gu Yin turned his body in his direction: "Why do you say that?"

"No? Why." Xiu Ling's face turned red: "Look at the camera, the photographer is waiting."

Gu Yin raised his lips and turned his head. Look directly at the camera, and your expression slowly relaxes.

Liu Sen held up the camera to find the right angle, tried to take two pictures, and gave a suggestion: "Mrs. Gu, you can half lean on Mr. Gu and rest your head on Mr. Gu's shoulder." This

is a very intimate and quite common thing. Xiu Ling looked at Gu Yin as a couple taking photos, then Yiyan nestled her upper body in his arms and reached out to take the albizia flower on the side.

"Just don't move!" Liu Sen suddenly said.

Xiu Ling was startled and did not dare to move. His eyes wandered and finally fell on the bouquet of fiery red albizia flowers.

He had sprayed water on the flowers before, and the petals were rolling with crystal water droplets. When he smelled them carefully, there was a faint and refreshing fragrance.

Xiu Ling's eyes suddenly became gentle.

"That's it..." Liu Sen said excitedly: "Mrs. Gu, please keep it like this."

As he spoke, he pressed the shutter quickly and took a dozen or so pictures in a blink of an eye.

Liu Sen has always been very accurate in taking angles. He is not like some photographers who take dozens, dozens or even hundreds of photos from various angles, and then select the one with the best effect among a bunch of photos. When taking pictures, he just chooses the angle he thinks is most suitable to take the picture, and expresses the beauty of things vividly in a specific composition.

"Okay." Liu Sen patted the dirt on his clothes, took out a memory card from the camera and handed it to Gu Yin: "Mr. Gu, these are the photos taken today. You can take them to develop directly. "

Gu Yin nodded and put it in his pocket.

Liu Sen's quick-fix attitude surprised Xiu Ling. He thought he would have to change several poses and take the photo for a while.

As a result, it ended before I was ready.

This was the first time he and Gu Yin had taken a photo together. Xiu Ling actually hoped to take some good photos this time. He wants to buy a photo album, develop the photos and put them in the album.

"How about we take a photo every year from now on? Okay?" Xiu Ling put the albizia flowers back on the flower stand and asked Gu Yin with his back turned.

The silver hairband floated on his shoulders, slightly bent on his shoulders, and hidden in the dark hair.

Looking at him this way, he looked even more thin and elegant, especially his small waist, which Gu Yin could wrap around with just one arm.

Gu Yin thought to himself that his partner was really reduced.

"Okay?, take photos every year. Xiao Ling..." Gu Yin called: "Come here."

"What's the matter?" Xiu Ling turned his head and looked at him doubtfully: "If you have anything to do, let's talk while eating. You have to go back to work later."

Gu Yin said: "Come here."

Xiu Ling just said "Okay" and walked over: "What's wrong with you...ah!"

He let out a low voice and his body was already in the air. Gu Yin picked him up with one hand, weighed him on his shoulders, frowned and said, "It's lighter than before."

Xiu Ling reacted for a while before he understood what the other party meant.

"Eat more in the future." Gu Yin simply carried him to the dining room: "No matter how thin you are, there will be no more meat."

Xiu Ling belongs to the type with a well-proportioned frame, with small bones and soft body. ?, but he doesn't look fat at all. He has been idle recently and has nothing to do. He wants to develop abdominal muscles and is planning to adjust his diet.

But he didn't tell Gu Yin this, secretly he wanted to give Gu Yin a surprise.

Gu Yin will go to Nanshengxing this time for at least three months and at most half a year. When he comes back, he can show him the results of his training.

After dinner, Gu Yin went to work. After cleaning the room, he received an internal call from the housekeeper's robot, saying that a courier had been delivered.

Xiu Ling ran downstairs to get several packages, all of which were luggage he had prepared for Gu Yin.

There was an empty suitcase in the small warehouse. Xiu Ling took it out, opened the package, and put the contents in the package into the suitcase.

There are some close-fitting clothes that he has not put away for the time being. He plans to wash them first and then put them away when they are dry.

His hands froze when he found a small red paper box. The box was too small and could not hold anything he bought.

Then I thought again, could it be that he bought it? There were too many things that I remembered wrongly. Maybe he actually bought something small, or maybe he placed the order accidentally because his hand slipped.

After all, the name and address of the store are clearly written on it.

Xiu Ling suppressed the doubts in his heart and slowly opened the box.

When he saw the contents inside, his hand trembled slightly, the box rolled to the ground, and a small golden object rolled out from it.

It was a badge of the Heinli family, made of the most expensive metal ore in the empire, with a line of small words engraved on the back: God bless Coin Heinli.

Xiu Ling stared at the badge with all kinds of thoughts and emotions.

Some large families in the empire will have family emblems. These families often engrave the family emblem on some kind of metal as a physical symbol representing the family.

Once a descendant is born in the family, people will be asked to carve blessings for the newborn on the back of the badge. On the full moon day, the newborn will be carried to the temple and receive enlightenment from the gods together with the badge.

In the eyes of these families, the badge has spirituality and is a talisman for future generations.

Xiu Ling sighed, picked up the box, put the badge back inside, and sent it back to the address on the box.

Once disturbed by this matter, I no longer feel in the mood. Xiu Ling gathered her energy and packed her luggage, washed the clothes that needed to be washed, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in a daze.

He guessed that Coin should be on the third planet now, but he didn't know where exactly. The address on the box is definitely not the address of Coin's residence.

After thinking for a long time, he became increasingly irritable. He opened the terminal and sent Xiu Cheng a session invitation.

Xiu Cheng has always been relatively well-informed, and may have information about the latest developments in the Heinli family.

The communicator rang twice and was connected. Xiu Cheng was taking Xun Yi for a walk in the garden. Xun Yi was holding a small net and would run to the side of the road to catch butterflies from time to time.

"I just have good news to tell you." Xiu Cheng smiled lightly: "I heard that the little alpha of the Heinli family has been found. Brother, you can rest assured." Xiu Ling was stunned

: "Brother, what's going on?"

"It is said that Ke Yin took the initiative to contact the family and said that he just wanted to sneak out to play, but now he got tired of playing and was rushing home." Xiu Cheng whispered. Said: "The temper of a child."

The author has something to say:

Ke Yin is not cannon fodder. He and Xiu Ling have no emotional connection. Don't worry about him turning into a monster.

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