Chapter 106

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Coin's morning class lasted for three hours. A guest came to the house. Servi wanted him to go home early. After contacting him several times, it showed that the other party was busy.

Servi guessed that his brother had probably set the interference-free mode, and shook his head helplessly: "The morning class teacher has strict requirements, and Coin turned off the terminal."

It was impossible for the two of them to wait for three hours. Gu Yin thought for a while. , handed the box containing the clan seal to Servi, and asked her to deliver it to Coin on his behalf.

Servi intended to please his younger brother's future boss, and agreed with a smile. He held the box in his hand and solemnly said: "Mr. Gu, please don't worry, I will definitely deliver the things to Coin."

They said. The family was very powerful, so she thought that Gu Yin wanted to make friends and brought gifts because he wanted to take this opportunity to get close to the future head of Heinli.

No wonder she thought so. Ever since Coin changed his playboy habits and became the default head of the family, the Heinli family was full of people every day. Most of them came to curry favor with Coin and give gifts to her brother.

Although Gu Yin is the overlord of one party, he has no foundation in the empire. For the sake of interests, it is of no harm to him to maintain close contacts with the Heinli family.

Besides, when we go to the Ninth Resource Star this time and arrive on the battlefield, Gu Yin and Ke Yin are comrades fighting side by side. It is necessary for the two of them to communicate with each other in advance and deepen their understanding.

Servi naturally thought that the small box was a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Gu to Coin.

She knew that Ke Yin had a crush on Xiu Ling, and she also knew that her brother had a crush on her, but she would never destroy other people's feelings, so she would never regard Gu Yin as her brother's love rival.

Because all normal interpersonal interactions often become beyond recognition once they are mixed with personal relationships.

It was still early to leave Heinli's mansion, Gu Yin had no business to do in the morning, and the two of them didn't want to go home, so they drove the aircraft to wander around the streets of the empire.

Xiu Ling has lived in the central city since he was a child and is quite familiar with this area. He turns off the navigation and leads Gu Yin himself. When he encounters some special attractions or buildings, he will simply explain them to Gu Yin.

"This place is called Taizi Bridge. It is said to have been built by a crown prince a long time ago. The crown prince was an architect and an expert on bridges. The bell tower in the palace is also said to have been built by him." "In front is

Zhang . Grandma's Tuan Yu Shop has the best Tuan Yu in the Empire. The name of the store has been handed down a long time ago and has never been changed. It doesn't sound like the style of the Empire, but it is indeed a snack shop that can only be found in the Empire. "

Further forward is the temple." Xiu Ling said with regret: "To be honest, I really have a lot of wisdom. If I hadn't followed you, I would have definitely applied for the priesthood and served in the temple after I turned thirty. ."

In the empire, clergy must be thirty years old or older before they can serve. The national unified examination has a full score of 200, and only those who pass the test with a score of 150 are eligible to participate in the interview. After all, they are selecting waiters for the gods. The selection process is extremely rigorous. There are hundreds of thousands of applicants every year, but not even ten people are actually hired.

The relationship between Xiucheng and Xun Sheng had eased some years ago. Xiucheng loved purity and did not want to deal with trivial matters, so he proposed to apply for the priesthood, and Xun Sheng agreed. Later, I passed all the tests and went directly to the final review. In the final review process, the person in charge of the temple has to monitor the candidates for half a month. Xiucheng's performance is all very good, but he is too quiet. He can read a book for a whole day without eating or drinking. The person in charge said regretfully: "We need quiet clergy, but we don't need clergy who are too quiet. In this case, there is no way to communicate with God." The final review was not passed, but Xiucheng did not

. Without showing much disappointment, he still maintained his own pace, reading, doing research, and writing papers.

Gu Yin said: "The temple of the third star also needs clergy. If you like it, I will ask someone to arrange it for you." "

That's different? I have to take the exam myself." Xiu Ling raised his head and glanced, eyes filled with tears. A bright light burst out: "Is there a fully automatic mecha competition ahead?"

Gu Yin took a closer look, and sure enough there was a mecha club with a sign hanging in front of the door that said "fully automatic mecha competition". There are big characters and people walking in and out of the door are all mecha enthusiasts.

Xiu Ling patted his friend's hand: "Let's go and see."

Gu Yin found the parking lot, landed the aircraft on the ground, and casually asked: "Do you like mechas?"

Generally speaking, Omega is not interested in mechas, and they rarely have the desire to fly mechas. In the pile of information about Xiu Ling that Gu Yin had obtained before, there was also no mention of Xiu Ling being interested in mechas.

"Absolutely." Xiu Ling said, "I don't like driving mechas, but I think the technology of fully automatic mechas is more interesting, because you can connect to the secrets of mechas and control them remotely without having to go into battle in person."

Fully automatic mechas The application of the technology is not yet mature, and clubs with financial strength will hire some mecha engineers with high salaries to specialize in developing this technology.

Several clubs will also compete with each other from time to time to learn about each other.

The game had started for more than half an hour, and the auditorium was almost full, so the two had to sit in the corner of the last row. In order to avoid trouble, both Xiu Ling and Gu Yin wore masks. The waiter looked at them suspiciously and asked them as a matter of course if they wanted drinks and popcorn.

Xiu Ling ordered a bucket of popcorn, but not a drink: "I want fruit flavor, not caramel."

The waiter accidentally saw his eyes and thought they looked familiar, with a slanted eye shape. Eyes like this with thick but straight eyelashes are rare, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them before.

He handed over the popcorn, and the other party politely said thank you, and then turned his attention to the screen in front of him.

Two mechas were dueling in the arena, and a series of codes flashed rapidly on the screen behind them. The engineers behind the scenes controlled the behavior of the mechas through these codes.

The fully automatic mecha technology has a special code, which was discovered by a scientist named Guo Zhe, so it is called the "Guo Zhe Code". This set of codes is very complex, and can change into hundreds or even thousands of forms in one second. With this as the center, many mutated codes have appeared. Only by cracking the decryption codes one by one and inputting the instructions can the mecha's movements be guided. .

The difficulty with this technology lies in cracking the password itself.

But the operating nerves of the mechas currently capable of combat are all covered by Guo Zhe's code.

This is a self-protection mechanism.

When the mecha owner logs into the system inside the mecha, Guo Zhe's password will be automatically cracked, but once someone wants to enter the system from the outside, the password will immediately create a defense.

In fact, if you want to remotely control the mecha, then when making the mecha, just don't add the unpredictable Guo Zhe code to the mecha's neurons. Many mechas on the battlefield do not have the Guo Zhe code. . But humans pursue the thrill of solving difficult problems, especially in mecha clubs. This kind of fully automatic mecha competition is very popular.

Xiu Cheng started studying Guo Zhe's code when he was ten years old. At that time, he was in primary school and Xiu Ling was in kindergarten. They were in the same school and had the same school time. After school every day, Xiu Cheng first went to the kindergarten to pick up his younger brother, took his younger brother to the snack shop at the school gate to buy two turtles, and then took the school bus back home obediently.

He often recited the changing forms of Guo Zhe's code on the road. Over time, Xiu Ling around him was influenced by him, and he was able to reason about Guo Zhe's code at the age of five.

Xiu Cheng was greatly shocked, because with his IQ, he was still in the stage of rote memorization, but his younger brother had actually risen to a higher level.

He simply raised his younger brother.

But Xiu Ling was playful and studied very seriously at first. Later, he fell in love with games and spent his free time playing games, so he no longer studied with Xiu Cheng.

Half the bucket of popcorn was eaten, the game was over and the opposing club won.

Xiu Ling only ate popcorn the whole time and didn't express any opinions.

Gu Yin couldn't help but think, maybe he came to watch a game with me just because I like mechas.

Xiu Ling has this kind of intention, but not entirely. He walked into the aircraft with a popcorn bucket in his arms. He kept his head down and meditated on the way, saying nothing. Once in the cabin, he became lively again and continued to introduce the scenery of the empire to Gu Yin.

The two strolled around the central city for a long time. When they returned home at noon, they saw Xun Yi lying on the sofa in the living room, playing games.

"Is Xiaoyi on vacation?" Xiu Ling walked over and moved the electronic screen upwards: "Don't get too close, it's not good for your eyes."

The school has a canteen, and the students eat their lunch at school. , Xun Yi showed up at home at noon, Xiu Ling's first reaction was that the school had a half-day holiday.

"Yes, it's holiday." The nun put down her work, coughed unnaturally, and waved to Xiu Ling: "Xiao Ling, come here." Xiu Ling followed her mother to the

small reception room, closed the door, and said. She opened the door, turned around and asked, "Mom, what happened?"

The nun looked at her long and tall little son with a sad face, and suddenly sighed.

Xiu Ling's heart sank and she said in a panic: "Did something happen to my brother? What did Xun Sheng do to my brother?"

"Is Xiao Cheng okay?" Xiu Mu frowned: "It's Xiao Yi. . He has been unable to study recently. He got third from the bottom in the last midterm exam. This time he copied his classmates' homework and was discovered by the teacher. He asked his parents to take him home so he could talk to his children. "

Your father and I went to pick him up. We have been hiding this from your brother. Don't tell your brother. The teacher told us that he carelessly attends class and does not listen to the lecture. He lies on the table and plays games all day. I haven't collected three game consoles from him."

Xiu Ling opened his mouth: "Third from the bottom..."

He knew that Xun Yi was naughty and his grades were mediocre, but he didn't expect that this kid was so naughty that the teacher had to call his parents.

"I didn't know what to do. When I asked him why, he said he didn't want to study and studying was useless. He also said he wanted to grow up quickly and inherit property, then buy a spaceship and fly it out of the empire."

Xiu Ling: "..."

"I'll go talk to him." He hugged his mother and said softly: "Don't worry.

" But he pressed it very quickly, with no expression on his face.

Xiu Ling sat next to him and asked in a low voice: "Why? Copying classmates' homework, is it because I don't know how to do it??"

Xun Yi pointed his finger and his eyes flashed: "Because I don't want to do it myself."


"I don't know." The child threw the game console on the table, turned over, and turned his back to Xiu Ling: "I just don't want to do my homework." "

Is it too much homework?"

Xun Yi said nothing.

Xiu Ling rubbed his head, held him on his lap, and said with a smile: "Why? Even my uncle ignored me..."

His words stopped abruptly.

Xun Yi's eyes were red, and big tears fell down.

Xiu Ling's hands and feet were numb and he panicked: "Xiao Yi..."

"Uncle Xiao." The kid wiped his face and sniffed: "I don't want to go to school, and I'm not good at studying anyway. Sooner or later, they will divorce. Even if I get the first place in the exam, they will divorce. My father only has his research in his heart. He doesn't care how bad my grades are. He is so smart. If he teaches me, I will also get the first place in the exam. Famous."

The "them" in his mouth refers to his parents.

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