Before Hogwarts: Before Hogwarts: 1960 - August 1971

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Out at a hospital in Wales, a man was walking down the corridors looking for a certain room. The man was large and vicious-looking with matted grey hair and whiskers. He had pointed teeth and long yellowish nails. He kind of looked animal-like. As he walked through the halls, Potions, visitors and doctors all backed away terrified. The man paid no attention to them though. Usually, he would be gleeful at the fear he caused but he didn't have time to today. He was in a rush to get in the room he was looking for.

Finally, the man found the room he was looking for. Room 666 at the very back of the hospital. The man stormed into the room, without even knocking but this wasn't a shock to the family that was inside the room. In the middle of the room was a hospital bed with a 50-old year old woman lying on it, sat next to her was an older man. At the older end of the room, there was a cot with a newborn baby in it. The man ignored the grey-haired couple and went straight over to the baby and stared at it. The baby was wearing a pink baby overall and a name tag on its wrist. Fenrir picks up the baby's wrist and reads the band 

Jada Greyback. 25th January 1960. Girl” 

The man puts the arm back down and turns to the couple. “She'll do. I would have preferred a brother but she'll do.” the man spoke with a deep, almost growling voice. The woman spoke up with a creaking timid voice “You will still take her? Won't you, Fenrir?” The man, Fenrir, rolls his eyes “Yes Mother. I'll still take her and raise her as my sister”. He slowly picks up the baby who didn't even make a sound when she was moved. “Goodbye, Mother, Father” Fenrir said before climbing out of the window with the baby. 

Fenrir takes Jada to a dark forest that was filled with men and women who were also animal-like. When Fenrir walked over, they all stopped and kneeled.  “I am back, pack. Everyone, meet my sister, Jada. On the next full moon I will turn her.  You shall treat her like an alpha. She will be our secret to turning more wizards”. A chorus of “Yes Alphas” followed before Fenrir took the baby to his hut.  

A couple of weeks later, the full moon finally took place. Fenrir places the baby on the stump of a dead tree just before the full moon shines on him. His bones start cracking into new places and fur starts growing. Fenrir becomes a majestic, fury beast right in front of the baby's eyes. The baby couldn't even blink before the beast pounces on her and bites her neck. The baby screams out and starts crying as the werewolf venom pulses through the child's body. The beast lets go but doesn't leave the child. The beast spends the night guarding the child who won't be a wolf cub until the next moon.

The next morning, the beast turned back into Fenrir. He picked up the crying baby and took her to the pack healer. “Make sure that doesn't get affected and watch her. I don’t do babies” he said before leaving her there, only to return a month later to collect her for her first full moon. “Furdernand, take the lead this moon” Fenrir said to his beta before taking his baby sister to the other end of the forest for her first full moon. 

As the full moon shines over the pair, they slowly change. The baby screams in pain as all her bones break, change shape and mend together. As all her organs are arranged. As white fur covers her whole body. Jada turned into a white wolf cub. The beast and the wolf cub spent the whole night chasing each other around the forest and getting the wolf cub used to her new body. The next morning, they changed back and Fenrir left the child with a medi-witch again. 

The siblings soon fell into a routine. Jada spent the day with the healer and childminder. He made her raise the child. He only interacted with Jada to give her alpha lessons and other wolf lessons until the full moons, where Fenrir would take Jada to the forest to turn together. On the full moon, the beast taught the cub to hunt prey, to run, to kill and to eat as a wolf.  Even when the pack moves forests or camps, this routine is kept. 

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