6th year: july 1996 - August 1997

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“Date: 20th July 1996.

Dear Lyra, 

Sorry about the messy writing. I just wanted to inform you I'm not going to be at Hogwarts this year. I’m going to France to spend the year with Fleur and Bill. She says she loves me and Bill so I just need to get her to pick me. Which I will be able to do. 

How is your summer going? Have you been able to escape from him? 

From Luna” 

“Date: 20th August 1996

Dear Luna, 

Sorry for the late replay. I have been busy. 

What are you going to do about 6th year and your NEWTs in 7th year if you don't come back to Hogwarts? You can't just drop out of school. You'll fall behind with your magic and you can't do magic outside of school untill your birthday in March. You are meant to learn to apparate this year, like the rest of the 6th years.

 Is it safe for you to spend a year in a different country stuck in one house with Fleur and Bill? I don't want you to get hurt but being there with them two will hurt you. Fleur may say she loves you and Bill but she's engaged to Bill. She's always going to choose Bill. 

How are you dealing with the full moons? Fleur doesn't even know your a werewolf and now your stuck with her, her whole family and Bill Weasley for a year in a new area. You don't know what the werewolf laws are there.

 Luna, do you even know how to speak French? 

Ron told me about the argument you and him had at the end of the year. Are you ok? You found out who your real family is. You are a Weasley. Does Bill know? 

To answer your questions, I am doing as fine as I can be stuck in a house withy father and mother. Uncle Nix has been annoying them even more, it's kind of funny watching them deal with him. I have being spying on the death eaters and on my father for the order of the phoenix. Its a group run by Dumbledore that's fighting against my father. I'm helping to defeat him.

Please be careful Luna. I mean it. 

From Lyra” 

“Date: 16th September 1996

Dear Lyra, 

I am fine. Fleur and Bill are tutoring me. Mrs Delacour got a warrant so i can be use magic in the house while I am here. They used the excuse that I am here to be protected from the war or whatever. Fleur's family don't know about me and her but that's fine. I didn't really need the warrant. There's no trace on Werewolves magic cause we aren't meant to have wands according to the law of the UK or whatever. I don't read it. I'll be back to do my NEWTs at some point. We are only in France untill May/June time. Fleur’s dad promised to teach my how to apparate and to legally test me which is going to be so much fun. 

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