1st year: September 1991 - August 1992

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The day finally came when Luna would be going to Hogwarts. Jada woke her up really early in the morning but not as early as she normally did because Luna didn't have to hike to the platform. Luna didn't like being woken up though so she nearly bit Jada's hand off but Jada moved it away in time. “Get up, kid. You are off to Hogwarts today. Your breakfast is at the end of your bed. We are leaving in an hour” Jada then left to let Luna get changed. Luna sighed and slowly climbed out of bed. At the end of her bed, she found part of a deer. Luna smiled and quickly ate it all up before getting dressed. She put on her usual pack rags and fur while leaving her long ginger hair a knotted mess. Once dressed and fed she left the hut and meant with Jada at the end of the pack grounds “oh good. Your girlfriend isn't with us” Luna growled out. Jada just rolled her eyes “she's not my girlfriend…. Yet. Now drop the attitude kid or that scar on your face is going to be made so much worse at Hogwarts”. Luna just scoffed before grabbing Jada's hand. Jada apparated them both to Platform 9 3⁄4.  

Luna absolutely hated the platform. There were far too many people for Luna’s liking. She hated the noise and the crowds. She hated it all. She wanted to go back to the pack where she knows what to do to stay safe. Hogwarts and this platform are full of too many people, too many social rules and too many new rules. How are you meant to survive this place? Luna hated it all. “-na, have fun. Now go get on the train before you miss it” Jada said pulling Luna away from her train of thoughts. Luna glares at her before walking off and getting on the train. 

Walking through the train, Luna growled at anyone who bumped into her. She hated this. She walked all the way to the back of the train and sat in an empty compartment. If anyone tried to join her, she would growl at them, showing off her sharp teeth, causing them to leave her alone. She was able to be alone for the whole ride to Hogwarts. When the announcement came through the train telling the students that they were almost at Hogwarts and needed to get into their uniform, Luna ignored it. 

When the train finally arrived at Hogsmeade, Luna was forced off the train and onto boats with the rest of the 1st years. She ended up sitting in a compartment with a couple of girls, who wouldn't shut up. The boats took all the students over the black lake towards Hogwarts. 

Upon reaching the castle, Hagrid, this giant man, hands Luna absolutely the rest of the first years over to Professor McGonagall. Before the ceremony begins, Professor McGonagall briefly explains the four Houses the students will be sorted into and House Points. Slytherin house is filled with ambitious, cunning witches and wizards; Ravenclaw house is home to the most intelligent; Gryffindor houses only the brave; and Hufflepuff house is where the most fair and honest go. Points will be earned based on a student's best performance, whereas points will be deducted for breaking the rules. Whichever House has the most points by the end of the school year wins the House Cup.  Luna didn't care. She needed to be put into Slytherin or her father will kill her. Professor McGonagall then leads them into the Great Hall and takes them to the front where she places down a hat on a stool. The hat seems to wake up and starts singing. Luna covers her ears, she did not like the noise. 

“Oh,you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your tops hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

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