4th year: September 1994 - August 1995

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The night before 1st September, Luna didn't sleep. She was in too much pain to sleep. She was overthinking too much to sleep. She was too nervous to sleep. So instead she spent the night trying to find ways to hide all her new scars and the wounds that were not healed and still visible. She could hide her arms and legs by wearing trousers and ling sleeves. But she couldn't hide the scar on her face and her black eyes and she definitely couldn't hide her hisses in pain every time she moved too quickly. She'll just have to come up with a good lie. In the early hours of the 1st September, Jada came running into the hut. 

“Are you ready, Kid? We need to go before Fenrir wa- did you sleep last night? Wait, that doesn't matter, you can sleep on the train. Come on me have to go” 

“I-I'm ready Aunt Jada. Let's go”. 

Jada looks at Luna with a look of concern before grabbing her hand and apparating them away to Platform 9 3⁄4. When they arrived it was far too early for anyone to get the train. So Jada took Luna back through the wall and to a muggle cafe. Jada somehow had muggle money to buy them breakfast with. They sat in silence for a while eating a cooked English breakfast. But after a while Jada finally talked. 

“Have fun this year” 

“What are you on about? Of course I'll have fun” 

“Luna, I mean it. Have fun this year and stay safe. I have a feeling something horrible is going to happen this year and my brother is going to get so much worse. Don't trust anything my brother says” 

“I don't think you have ever called me by my name before” 

“Luna, promise me.” 

“Fine. I promise to have fun and be careful this year” 

Soon the pair realised it was 9am so they quickly left the cafe and went back to platform 9¾. Platform 9 ¾ was crowded, too crowded. It seemed like so many more families were on the platform this year than all the other years despite there being the same amount of Hogwarts students (the new first years, replacing the old 7th years). So many people almost fell into the train because of how crowded it was. It's ridiculous. Though all the adults and students seemed to be talking about one thing. The Quidditch World cup. Apparently death eaters had attacked it or something and now everyone’s terrified that Hogwarts is going to be attacked. Kids were also complaining about why they had to bring dress robes this year. 

“Oh don't worry about the dress robe thing. I got you a dress. It's in your bag” 

“what why?”

“you’ll see, kid. Now go get on the train” 

As the crowds finally emptied the platform, Luna rushed onto the train and went straight to her compartment only to find Cedric and a sleeping Lyra in the compartment. “What is she doing here?” Luna snapped. Cedric made sure that Lyra stayed asleep before speaking “She stayed at mine after the Quidditch World Cup. It's ok. You can be yourself. I trust her and anyway She won't wake up until we get to Hogsmeade” Luna wanted to leave the compartment but Cedric was her only friend and she was in too much pain to stand up any longer. So she sits across from the couple. 

Luna could feel Cedric's eyes on her but she didn't dare look at him, she kept her eyes looking out the window. She knew if she looked at him and answered the questions he kept sending her way she would break down crying and she couldn't risk doing that with Lyra in the compartment. It's bad enough that Lyra saw what happened at Malfoy Manor, she couldn't know anything else. So silence is all Cedric got. 

“Are you ok, Luna?” 


“Lyra said she was concerned about you but it wasn't her place to tell what happened. Can you tell me what happened?” 

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