7th year: September 1977 - February 1978

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Jada was the first to wake up on 1st September 1977. She was up before the whole pack, including Fenrir, which is something to be proud of. She wanted to get away from the pack as soon as she could. She had had enough of the pack. She also didn't want to be woken up by being kicked again. Also this was her last year away from the pack, the last year she can hold off hunting and killing her own food, and there was no way she wasn't going to make the most of it. Jada quickly got dressed before setting off with her trunk. She was wearing the net lace shirt with a heart line, bra-like green crop top and black ripped jeans with her doc Martins. On her head, she placed Nix's goggles. 

Jada had to walk an hour and half before arriving at platform 9¾ but she was glad to be there. As soon as Jada walked onto the not so busy platform, Aster ran over to her. “Sup Aster” she said smiling “sorry about everything last year” Aster smiled widely and hugged her tightly “I forgive you. Now come on let's get on the train before someone steels put spot” Jada nods and they both rush on to the train. 

The pair sat in the usual compartment on the train and the two got chatting about random things. 

“How was your summer, Aster?” 

“Amazing. Mum and dad finally accepted that I wear female clothes and bought me a ton of my own dresses and skirts. So I don't have to wear Lily's hand me downs.”

“That's cool”

“I haven't told them i'm gay or dating someone yet. Being gay only became legal in the muggle world 8 years ago” 


“In the last two weeks of summer, Lily went camping with her friends and the marauders. So it was just me, mum and dad” 

“How did it go?” 

“It was very awkward.” 

“I could have guessed that” 

“How was your summer?” 

“Well my brother found out I'm gay” 

“How did he take it?” 

“surprisingly well. He no longer has a need for me to mat-marry someone and he got rid of the jerk who wouldn't leave me alone” 

“That's awesome Jada”

“Oh. Lily got made head girl” 

“Good for her” 

“Do you know who got headboy? Lily won't tell me” 

“I have no clue whatsoever” 

While the pair were taking, there was a knock on the door. Jada opened the door to Regulus Black.  “Nix wanted to talk to you both. Be quick, I have to petrol the train”. Aster looked very confused but when Nix suddenly appeared, he screamed. Which caused the ghost to burst out laughing “oh how I love being a ghost” Aster was left stuttering in shock as Jada and Nix catched up before Regulus left and Nix was forced to disappear. Jada had to quickly explain everything to him. 

After ages on the train, they were finally at Hogsmeade. The pair quickly got off the train and onto a carriage. However they ended on a carriage with Lily and James which made this very awkward. James and Aster kept trying to get rid of the awkwardness between the girls by talking but it only made things once. So the four were glad when they finally arrived at hogwarts and could get off the carriage. 

Jada was forced to pile into the great hall because of the crowds of students so she went straight over to Slytherin table and sat at the very end of the hall, right next to the doors incase she needed a quick getaway. Ignored all the chatter and whispers as she waited for Mcgonagall to bring the first years in. However when she did, there were only 5 first years. Jada didn't care though. It just meant food would be here sooner. Jada sighed as the hat was brought out and started to sing. Oh how she hated this stupid hat.

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