Chapter 30 Outnumbered

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"The rules are simple!" roared the middle-aged elder above the murmuring crowd, "Do not kill your fellow students. Do not cripple their cultivation. Broken bones, knockouts, and even severed limbs are acceptable. But, killing or the crippling of another's cultivation is grounds not only for disqualification but for expulsion depending on the circumstances. So take care! Other than that, fight as you must. Survive until the final five and step further into the tournament! And now... begin!"

The youths sprang into action like a horde of monsters gone insane.

The air filled with flaming spears, ice arrows, glowing fists, acidic kicks, beams of multicolored light, bubbles of force, and strange creatures seemingly made entirely out of qi as the students around her unleashed their attacks upon one another.

Within the first instant, several students went down with agonized screams as blood and severed appendages spilled upon the sand.

Many of those closest to Jie focused their attacks on her. Two at the seventh star, three at the eighth star, and even the armored one at the ninth star. But she'd grown a lot in her recent battles. She could do the unthinkable now and fight on even ground with someone at the first star of the Expert rank.

Jie activated lightning step as they raced toward her and the world around her seemed to slow down as though all the other contestants were caught in a jar of honey.

Jie decided to eliminate the lower ranked students as quickly as possible without expending much energy.

They were in the way, and she dared not release more than a fraction of her power on anyone below the ninth star by mistake.

She moved like a blur up to the two seventh stars who lunged at her and tapped each one on the back of the head. She didn't use her dragonfist skill for this, relying purely on her physical strength and the insane speed that came with using her lightning step technique.

They crumpled like puppets with their strings cut.

The three at the eighth star and the one at the ninth looked at her with wide eyes as she moved far faster than they could. She looked at them and gave a mock salute before racing through the arena.

"You coward!" roared one of the three eighth stars she'd avoided, but then they watched as one after another all those below the eighth star dropped with seemingly no effort from the blue-haired girl.

In seconds, she'd cleared all the lowest-ranked cultivators and only those from the eighth star of the Adept rank and up remained.

The fighting turned truly savage then as all the weakest were eliminated at once, leaving only the strongest to duke it out. There would be no easy victories for anyone after what Jie had done. No hiding among weaklings while the numbers dropped.

There would only be bitter fighting as each and every cultivator found themselves locked in brutal fights.

Some teamed up, forming temporary alliances and battering others down. Many others picked off those who were already busy fighting, but Jie had no time for either tactic.

All she cared about was pushing herself to become as strong as possible.

If she couldn't get through this tournament, then did she deserve any of what Ming had done for her?

She whirled on the strongest opponent she could find. That student at the ninth star who she'd fled from in the beginning.

Qi flowed through her body and formed into two dragonfists, one on each hand. She charged at him like a flash of lightning and threw a punch.

He barely noticed her approach in time and hastily raised his shield. Crackling blue lightning qi met gleaming steel qi and detonated with a shockwave of lightning arcing in every direction as the impact reverberated on his shield like a gong. The sound of which sent shivers down the spines of the other contestants.

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