Chapter 69 Finely Tuned Charisma

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"But... I thought we had a great time in the city... don't you want to do more things like that?" Pan Tian asked, "Is it because of the assassins? I'm truly sorry about that. We shouldn't have gone to the Golden Carp... it's just... I wanted you to have fun. Sorry, Ithilix... I'm not trying to be a bitch. We would've taken you too if... well... you know."

"This one understands and appreciates your concern for this one's life," Ithilix said.

"Please, Tian. It's not like that, okay?" Jie said, "It's just... I have to cultivate. I loved being with you guys. It might be the best day of my life other than the day I met my master. It's not that I don't care or... that I don't want to do this stuff... I just... I can't explain right now, but I don't have a choice. I have to work every second I can because if I don't... well I just have to. Okay?"

"Okay," Pan Tian said, "I suppose it's more important than I realized..."

"I promise that it is," Jie said. "But, the valley and dungeon sound like they'd be good for me. So, I guess I'll go. Though I don't have a group. Who are you guys going with?"

"Well... I was going to go with Ithilix, but we don't have anyone decent for the other two spots," Pan Tian said.

"What do you mean you don't have anyone? Aren't you both some of the strongest students in the outer court?" Jie asked.

"Well... yes," Pan Tian said.

"Nobody wishes to be in a group with this one," Ithilix said.

"Don't say that. I want to go with you," Pan Tian said, "but... yes that's basically the problem. So, you could come with us if you want, but we still need a fourth. Or, we could just power through with the three of us. It could be difficult though. Even for you, Jie."

"What about you, Zhanshi? Aren't you going? You don't have a problem with Ithilix do you?" Jie asked.

Pan Zhanshi and Ithilix shared a look and they both smiled. "No," he said, "not at all. I'd love to go with you three if I could but..."

"It's not his fault," Pan Tian said, "our family insisted he go with an important young master's group. To help forge connections for our family. They wanted me to do the same, but I've convinced them that Ithilix could give us a chance to establish connections with the Hive's master craftsmen."

"Would the Hive trade with them?" Jie asked.

"This one does not know. This one can try though. If this one's mission is deemed a success," Ithilix said.

"You mean if you don't get murdered?" Jie asked.

"Yes, Princess," Ithilix said.

"Please don't call me that," Jie said, "so I guess it'll be the three of us then. I'm sorry you can't come Zhanshi."

"Me too," Pan Zhanshi said, "it'd be amazing to have you carry us through... I mean um... to fight by your side staring death in the face together, forging unbreakable bonds between us."

"You're such an idiot," Pan Tian said with a giggle.

"Bah. You just don't appreciate my finely tuned charisma," Pan Zhanshi said, "it must be because you're my twin. You get some kind of immunity to my charm. Without it, you'd be helpless and at my mercy. Isn't that right, Ithilix?"

Ithilix nodded sagely. "This one cannot help but agree," she said, "you're surely irresistible."

"You see?" Pan Zhanshi said.

"That was this one's first sarcasm. Did this one do it correctly?" Ithilix said.

Pan Tian and Ithilix high-fived.

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