Chapter 52 Service

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The man opened a pair of doors for them and stood to one side as they entered.

Opposite them, sat another man. This one was dressed even more richly than the one who'd led them to the room. Bands of precious-looking metals filled with glittering gems decorated his arms. But Jie sensed that at least some of the man's jewelry wasn't just for decoration as even the items had auras and power to them. And so did the menacing statues that decorated the walls of the office.

The man stood and gestured to the four chairs in front of his desk. Jie restrained herself from scoffing at the sight. As though they just happened to have the exact number of chairs for them. Had they been preparing everything while they walked up? Jie hadn't felt any eyes on her though... and that worried her.

Pan Keai and the Pan siblings didn't seem bothered in the slightest though and took their seats. Jie followed suit.

"A pleasure to see you, Lady of the Pan family. Young master. Young ladies. What can I do for you today?" asked the man behind the desk. His words were smooth, but they didn't come across as fake or oiled like the man who'd led them here. It made Jie all the more alert.

"We'll get to the business between us in a moment, but before then, I thought I might introduce you to Liu Jie," Pan Keai said.

The man raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Our illustrious winner of the Crimson Academy's younger generation tournament?" he asked.

Jie narrowed her eyes. Was someone feeding him information somehow, did he know in advance, or had he actually kept up on the results of such a tournament? Did it really matter so much to these people?

Noticing that nobody was going to say anything further, Jie finally spoke. "Yes," she said.

"So, how can our auction house be of service to you?" the man pressed.

Jie watched him carefully, but she knew she was out of her league. Not only was he so much stronger than her cultivation-wise, but he was smooth and practiced to the point where his words were effortless and graceful.

Not so long ago, Jie had thought she wouldn't ever speak to another human again. She felt dwarfed by his power and the fact that he and this whole auction house had probably spent lifetimes scheming about how to separate people from their money and, more importantly, power. This was likely another part of a game, and she didn't even know the rules. She hated the idea of speaking to people like this man, but what choice did she have? Ming didn't say anything, but he didn't seem to be getting any better.

And, from the way he'd spoken, it sounded like he wasn't even sure he would. This was something she could never allow.

"I'm looking for healers, alchemists, or anyone capable of healing other cultivators," Jie said.

The man nodded, but not in a patronizing way as she half-expected. No, everything about him down to his most subtle movements made her feel like her problems were his problems. Like he cared and empathized with her. It grated on Jie's nerves that he could make her feel that way.

"Is there anything more you can tell me? The more I know, the easier it'll be to help you," the man said.

His words made sense, but Jie saw it as him fishing for more information. Like a fisherman casting out a hook. And his eyes... his eyes bored into her soul in a way that Pan Keai's just didn't. Jie had the sickening suspicion that even her half-truths would be seen through. But that didn't mean she had to come out and be fully truthful. Let him wonder.

"I'm looking for powerful items, or people capable of healing gods. Either is fine," Jie said.

The man's eyes widened ever so slightly, but he quickly regained control.

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