Chapter 72 The Crimson Valley

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"We'll come and get you from your residence early. You can celebrate with us for at least a little bit and then we can go to the entrance," Pan Tian said, "I used to think I worked hard before I met you... now I just feel lazy."

"Your cultivation has improved massively though," Jie said.

"Only because I end up training twice as hard as I used to just to keep up with you," Pan Tian said, "Not that I can... I've never even heard of anyone cultivating at the speed you do. At this rate, you could probably become the youngest Crimson Academy elder in history. You could take it easy and you'd still be one of the strongest in the region before long... I hope you won't forget us when you're obliterating mountains with a single punch."

"I'd never forget my friends," Jie said, "I'll see you guys tonight."


As promised, Ithilix and Pan Tian collected Jie from her residence. The three of them and Xue headed out together. It was night, but it was bright outside with all the lanterns and fireworks. Each with incredible effects like dancing people in the sky, dragons, planets, and at one point a flaming ship with singing pirates for some reason. All of which showered the air with that strange healing fire.

Jie couldn't get rid of the massive grin on her face. This world was amazing.

"So, how long is this event?" Jie asked.

"Only ten days," Pan Tian said, "so we want to get entry to the dungeon as quickly as possible. That way we'll have the most time to explore it, and we want to get first shot at the loot as well."

"Ten days?" Jie said, "But, I don't have enough supplies for that long."

If she'd known, Jie would've ordered a larger batch of prepared meals and resources. As it was, she only had eight days' supply remaining with the next delivery still a few days away.

Jie cursed herself for her foolishness and the fact that not only had she not replenished her stock but that she hadn't even thought to check what she'd need for the treasure hunt.

I should've ordered more in advance and kept a larger stockpile just in case anything happened. It's not like I need to worry about them going bad. How could I be so stupid!? Jie thought.

"What do you mean you don't? How can you not be prepared? Everything is ruined. We'll never possibly do it now!" Pan Tian said. Though her voice sounded suspiciously lacking in any real anguish.

"You knew I wouldn't know to bring supplies, didn't you?" Jie asked.

"Of course. And I bet you didn't even think to bring utility potions, scrolls, and pills. You're great at cultivating and fighting, but you're terrible at everything else. I had a feeling you might not prepare properly. No offense. You didn't even know the treasure hunt existed until my brother and I told you. I brought more than enough for all four of us," Pan Tian said, "in the future, you should think about things like that for yourself though."

"I'm sorry. I will. Thank you. But, if I did, you wouldn't get to make fun of me as much. The more I get to know you, the more I see that you're like your brother. How can you both be so mischievous in such an overbearing family?" Jie asked.

"If you think our family is overbearing, you really have led a sheltered life. And, you should always have supplies with you. What if the school is attacked by a powerful expert and we all have to flee into the wilds for forty years? You need to think of these things. This kind of stuff is exactly why you can't just cultivate all the time," Pan Tian said.

"I guess you have a point... I'll have to make sure I get supplies in future," Jie said, "Will you teach me?"

"Of course," Pan Tian said, "it'll be my pleasure to help you. I kind of feel like your big sister now. And I bet Ithilix could teach us both a lot."

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