Chapter 55 Practical Vanity

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The display changed once more, this time displaying a bright pink pill.

"This is a Yang Asha's blessing pill," Jiang Feng explained, "it improves feminine beauty and the bidding tends to reach--"

Jie shook her head. "I have no interest in such things," she said.

Jiang Feng appeared mystified for the first time since Jie had met him.

"Forgiveness, but it seems that you desire anything that enhances your capabilities. Is there any particular reason you do not desire such a pill? Although your natural beauty is exceptional, such things can always be enhanced," he said.

"I only care about getting stronger," Jie said, "I don't wish to waste money on vanity."

Jiang Feng nodded sagely. "A most practical and rational outlook," he said smoothly, "however, if I may point out something you may not have considered?"

Jie nodded for him to continue.

"People are not entirely rational creatures," he said, "and will treat others very differently based on appearance. A handsome man or woman will receive vastly more offers both romantic and material. After all, someone charmed by your looks is more likely to offer you a better deal. To attempt to win you over. To be more likely to give you gifts or to help you should you require their aid.

"Imagine if you would for a moment that you're locked in battle with another cultivator who is vastly more beautiful than you are. You're at a stalemate. Neither able to achieve victory. Then, a third cultivator happens on the scene. Your rival implores him or her for help. Charmed by her beauty, the third cultivator joins forces against you in an attempt to win favor with her.

"Now imagine that you are the more beautiful cultivator. Then, the third cultivator is more likely to come to your aid instead, are they not? And so victory is achieved through appearance."

Jie frowned as she considered his words.

"People shouldn't work that way. They should help whoever it's best to help. The person that's in the right. Or stay out of it entirely," Jie said.

"Perhaps they should... but people are people," Jiang Feng said.

Jie sighed. She disliked the idea of spending even a fraction of Ming's wealth on such a thing, but Jiang Feng's argument was compelling and she'd certainly seen it herself. Justice may be blind but people weren't.

"Do you take such pills?" Jie asked.

"The male equivalent, yes," Jiang Feng said, "and far stronger given my higher cultivation."

"Has it been worth it for you?" Jie asked.

Jiang Feng shrugged. "It's not so easy to say. I could not know which opportunities I would not have had without such resources. I will say that many a man and woman has been charmed by my appearance and has sent me gifts of great value in an attempt to win favor with me, however. Some have even succeeded. And, of course, looking good helps tremendously with sales," he said with a smile.

Jie hesitated. It seemed foolish to refuse out of outright stubbornness, but she still found the whole idea distasteful in the extreme. And what if she attracted unwanted interest from a more powerful cultivator? It seemed to Jie that physical beauty could have tremendous downsides too...

What would Ming do? Jie asked herself.

She tried to imagine him speaking to her. Me? Why I'm already the greatest and best of all dragons and my scales make the ladies melt into quivering puddles with just one look. But why should I not melt them all the more?

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