Chapter 68 Bracelet

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Jie remained lost in thought as she walked back to her residence. She couldn't help feeling like she was somehow betraying Elder Shi by not agreeing to kill the Chen family. But, then that had never been part of the deal when Elder Shi had decided to train her...

Jie also felt guilty for what she'd said about getting a child to fight her battles... this world wasn't the same as her old one and Ming had rescued her from that for a similar reason.

Elder Shi was right... she was just a coward who didn't want to get her hands dirty. Ming had killed for her when she'd asked him to. Yet, she was refusing to do the same for others who had helped her.

But... what if she killed someone in the Chen family who was innocent? Yet... if she didn't then perhaps they would take revenge on her? Just like Elder Shi said.

Thinking about it gave her a headache. Such thoughts continued to weigh on Jie's mind more than a week later.

The fact Elder Shi was now colder and more formal in their training sessions didn't help.

Despite being distracted by her dark contemplations after yet another day of training with Elder Shi, Jie noticed familiar presences approaching with her spirit sense. Though one of them seemed to be trying to hide their aura. Badly.

"Hi guys," Jie said.

"Aww come on! I almost snuck up on you!" Pan Tian said as she came out from around a building with her brother and Ithilix in tow.

"Sorry, sis, but you're just not very good at concealing your aura," Pan Zhanshi said.

"This one must agree," Ithilix said.

"Am I truly that bad?" Pan Tian asked.

"I sensed all three of you if it makes you feel any better," Jie said.

"Boom! How do you like that little bro?" Pan Tian said.

"Boom?" Pan Zhanshi said, "And... we're the same age, genius. Plus, you were the only one trying to hide."

"Yeah. Boom! It's something people say where Jie comes from," Pan Tian said as she brushed the rest of his words aside with a wave of her hand.

"Why would anyone say that?" Pan Zhanshi asked.

"Who cares? It's fun!" Pan Tian said as she raced over to Jie and enveloped her in a massive hug.

Jie froze up and awkwardly returned the hug. Not that it was unpleasant. Pan Tian was a good hugger.

"Easy there, sis. She needs to be able to breathe, you know," Pan Zhanshi said.

"She can breathe just fine. Don't get all stuffy on me now," Pan Tian said, though she did release Jie, "Oh my gosh! A spirit tiger? The one from the auction? Is he yours? Can I pet him?"

"Xue, do you mind if they--" Jie began only for the little tiger to leap into petting range. He pushed his head and back against Pan Tian's hand while walking slowly for a full petting experience as he started purring.

"I think he likes me," Pan Tian said with a massive grin on her face.

"This one would also like to pet the noble spirit tiger if he would be so inclined. Pan Zhanshi, would you help instruct this one on feline petting procedures?" Ithilix asked.

Pan Zhanshi laughed. "Sure," he said.

Jie stood there as her friends oohed and aaahed over Xue, seemingly oblivious to her.

Finally, Jie started getting impatient. "Did you guys need anything? I need to cultivate," she said.

"We came to see you, goofball," Pan Tian said without taking her eyes off Xue, "Aren't you a cute little kitty? Yes, you are. You're the cutest! Booped your nose! You're so cute! I think I might die."

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