Chapter 73 Frost Queens

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"Each team will be called up one at a time to enter the gate," said the Headmaster, "it will take you all to different locations in the Crimson Valley. Once there, you have ten days to gather as much treasure as you can. Your stones will collect information on what you gather and our esteemed guests from the Onyx Pavilion will help to give estimates on total prices for your score.

"The top three will receive extra prizes, but of course, you may keep anything you gain within the Crimson Valley. Provided you have the strength to hold onto it! And, as always, the memorial plaques for our great founder will provide three trials to unlock and enter the dungeon where the greatest treasures reside.

"This is a test of wits, speed, and patience, but also wisdom. Always remember, greed is a wonderful thing... until it betrays you. Be cautious. There are many powerful beasts and exotic challenges within the Crimson Valley. Know yourself and know your enemies, and you will avoid disaster. Such is the way of the skillful cultivator.

"As this is a friendly contest between members of our esteemed school, killing other students is strictly forbidden. As is crippling anyone's dantian. Make no mistake. There will be elders watching. Though, they will not intervene if you are to be killed by magical beasts. This is still a competition after all. Now then, our first team will be... The Dominators with the young geniuses of the esteemed Chen family!"

The crowd applauded.

Chen Huo stepped forward with Chen Ai behind him and two others Jie didn't recognize. One of the two was a boy that looked slightly younger than Chen Huo but with more muscular arms. He carried a bow that shimmered with starlight.

The other was a girl that looked around the same age as Chen Ai with elegant white and blue robes and a slender crown of dark blue metal on her snow-white hair.

Both of the two had light purple skin, pointed ears, and white hair. All features Jie had learned to associate with the Chen family.

The weakest of the four, the one with the bow, was at the fourth star of the Expert rank. Stronger than everyone in Jie's party except for Jie herself. Chen Ai and the girl with the white and blue robes were both at the fifth star of the Expert rank. While Chen Huo was at the sixth star of the Expert rank.

Why do they get a head start? Jie wondered as Chen Huo climbed the stairs with a smug smile on his face and three of his family at heels.

Chen Huo and his family faltered mid-step and turned to look right at Jie. The smug smile vanished from Chen Huo's lips as he caught her eyes and visibly paled. Jie then noticed that half the crowd was staring at her.

"Easy, Jie. Your killing intent is giving me chills," Pan Tian whispered.

"What killing intent?" Jie asked, "I'm just slightly annoyed."

"This one must agree with friend Pan Tian. There is a frightening, cold killing intent coming from you," Ithilix said, "it feels like ice."

Jie took in deep breaths and thought of Ming in an effort to calm herself. Of how much she owed him for taking her to this world. A world filled with limitless possibility, beautiful fireworks, and now a floating island for her to explore!

The crowd shivered.

"What now?" Jie asked.

"It's... your killing intent abruptly stopped and now you feel all warm and friendly from your aura... it's... terrifying how quickly you can change between them," Pan Tian whispered.

First, I'm too cold and domineering. Now I'm too light and fluffy and somehow that's more horrifying. Is there no winning? Jie thought.

Chen Huo and his followers continued their way up the stairs and gradually the crowd's attention drifted from Jie. She tried not to roll her eyes.

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