Chapter 57 A Pleasant Evening

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Their food came and the topics turned away from the Chen family entirely. Jie was served a meat she didn't recognize covered in blue sauce and speckled with what looked like mushrooms. Or something similar.

She took a bite and the food melted in her mouth. She shivered. "Wow," she said, "I think this is the best thing I've ever had..."

Pan Tian's face lit up even more. "I'm so glad you like it! I'm a little surprised you haven't eaten way better food than this though, considering your background," she said.

"I had a... strange situation," Jie said.

"I bet," Pan Tian said, "you'd better tell me all about it one of these days."

Jie smiled softly. Maybe one of these days... she thought.

She couldn't help wondering how Pan Tian and Pan Zhanshi would react if they knew... but she wasn't going to tell them now. No... maybe after she killed Fang Zhuyu. If she succeeded...

They had several courses and Jie ate until she felt like she'd explode. She was normally far more restrained, but even though the food at the academy was good, it didn't compare to the food here. Besides, seeing Pan Tian's smile each time she tried something new made her feel good. When they could eat no more, they talked and laughed and for a moment Jie felt like a normal girl again.

But the sun fell low and the auction would be starting soon, so they finally left the restaurant. They rejoined with their guards outside and strolled back the way they'd come.

The previously bustling streets were largely empty now as the day faded into evening twilight and the buildings cast long shadows upon the paved stone. Though the buildings lining the streets in this part of the city were not so tall as to obscure the light entirely and what few streetlights the city had were slowly coming to life.

"Thanks for the meal," Jie said, "I really enjoyed it."

Pan Zhanshi looked at Jie with horror in his eyes. "Heavens... it can't be... they've kidnapped Jie and replaced her with a doppelganger! I'm not fooled! Jie never sounds so content! Now, tell us what you've done with our friend!" he said. Then, he burst out laughing.

Jie glared at him, but she couldn't keep her lips from turning into a smile.

Pan Tian giggled. "I'm just glad you--" she broke off into a pain-filled shriek as an arrow of sickening green qi caught her in the side.

Jie whirled to face the direction the attack had come from as she activated lightning step and qi armor. Figures had half-emerged from the tops of the rooftops all around them, their faces masked by dark fabric that revealed only their eyes as they rained projectiles down upon Jie and her allies. A smoke qi arrow slammed into Jie's chest, right where her heart was, and knocked her backward. Jie felt a massive drain on her qi from the armor and her chest stung, but the arrow hadn't penetrated.

Jie regained her footing and pointed two fingers up at the masked attacker on the roof who held a bow of curling smoke qi. A blast of dragon lightning qi erupted from Jie's fingers and crossed the space between them in the blink of an eye. But the assassin ducked back behind the lip of the roof just in time and Jie's attack crackled through empty air.

More assassins appeared in windows and other roofs all around them and Jie found she had trouble sensing them with her spirit sense even though she could plainly see them. Enemy attacks filled the air, comprised of all kinds of qi from fire and smoke to poison, acid, cold, and types Jie couldn't immediately recognize.

Jie put herself in front of Pan Tian and blocked an arrow that would've hit the older girl in the neck with her shoulder. It sent Jie spinning away and massively drained her qi, but at least her friend was alive.

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