Someone get Lucy

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    Tim's phone pov
  best cops in lapd

Angela 🙄: Uhm guys
Nyla 🤷‍♀️: Yeahh guys
Grey 🙂: what did yous do
Tim: if yous don't stop texting i'm trying to do paperwork
John: What's going on
Tamara 🤍: Where's Luce 😂
Angela 🙄: that's what we are about to stay but Blondy wants to be grumpy
Grey 🙂: Someone go get Lucy please
Tim: Where is she
Lucy 💍: Hey guys 😛
Angela🙄: How are u doing
Lucy 💍: uh one broken rip stitches in my arm and sprained ankle
Tim: Lucy Chen where are you
Lucy 💍: Shawn Memorial
Tim: i'm coming now Grey can u mark me personal

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