My wife

681 17 5

Tim's phone pov

Angela: Ugh Where's the girls
Celina: here
Grey: what going on now
Tamara: i think she's asleep and so is Tim
Angela: i'll pay  you $200 to wake him with pouring water on him but if lucy's on his chest don't pour water.
Tamara: okay this is gonna be fun
                            5 mins later

Tim: ANGELA i'm going to punch you
Angela: HAHAH ive out the money in tam now i need Lucy
Tim: she's falling back asleep
Luce ❤️: what's going on
Angela: okay my wife's here @girls
Nyla: what's up
Angela: Wesley pissed me off and said "why are you being dramatic over it"
Tim: One lucy's almost back asleep so shut up and two she's my wife
Angela: My wife
Tamara: timmm
Tim: yes Tamara
Tamara: can you make pancakes please
Tim: Yeah give me 10 minutes to shower and get warm clothes on since you  though to pour water on me
Angela:  okay so wesley got my pregnancy craving wrong and i started crying and he goes "don't cry over it your being dramatic"
Tim: I said that to Lucy when she was pregnant with Ellie i almost died
Tamara: that was funny to watch
Tim: sure it was
Grey: your not going to say it this time are you
Tim: Oh hell no

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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