Whats going on prt 2

526 13 3

Greys phone
5 hours later
                           Best in LAPD

Angela: Lucyyy wanna come out for drinks?
Nyla: and beach volley
Celina:  With a sunset
John: Damn do you all need a break from your partners
Angela: no i just want Lucy happy
Grey: i'll go ask her she's turned her phone off and is laying in the guest room.
Angela: Okayy
Grey: she said yup but please keep a eye on her
Celina we will :)

Private message
                        unknown number

Unknown: Grey
Grey: who's this
Unknown: it's Tim
Grey: What do you want
Tim: woah i had to get a new number and phone cause somehow my old one got hacked  also do you know where Lucy is.
Grey: Out with the girls there trying to cheer her up
Tim: why what happened
Grey: one you stood her up then ignored her at the station 
Tim: I never stood her up wtf
Grey: you texted her wanna go out tonight for dinner and never showed
Tim: I haven't been on my phone cause of it being hacked so
Grey: it couldn't of been you
Tim: exactly

                            Best in LAPD
Grey Removed Tim and added Bradford

Angela: what's the difference lmao
Lucy: i'd say and why add his ass back
Nyla: booo
Celina: cheers to girls night
Grey: how much have yous drank
Lucy: 2
Grey don't lie to your dad
Lucy: 5
Bradford: where are you i'm coming to get you
Lucy: fuck off im not dealing with you
Bradford: Lucy look at the old texts is not how i type my phone got hacked you know i would t stand you up
Lucy: mhm you left me on date night once, oh and to mention ignored me at the station
Angela: Lucy let's play volley
Celina: why are texting when we are text to eachother 😂
Bradford: Luce i'm sorry i didn't know i ignored you at the station
Luce: it's fine ig now i'm going to beat these ppl

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