Omw 🤭

594 12 1

Tim's pov

Luce ❤️: Daddddd
John: it's werid hearing Lucy call grey dad
Angela: shut up old ass
Grey: what's wrong luce you should be at home resting
Luce ❤️: i am but can you send Tim home
Angela: Why i don't i come over instead 😏
Tim: Nope and what's wrong Luce
Luce:❤️: i'll private text it
Grey: that doesn't sound good
Angela: be ready for Tim to ask to go home


Tim: what's wrong babe
Luce ❤️: i miss you in more than one way
Tim: What do you mean by that
Luce ❤️: cuddles kisses and your little friend 🤭
Tim: Now you've got me hard aint no way i can leave my office like this
Luce ❤️: fine then i'll do it myself
Tim: NO NO NO i'm omw 🤭
Luce ❤️: well hurry up cause i want it

back to the Group chat

Tim: Grey can i please go home Lucy feels lightheaded and stuff
Grey: Yupalready signed you off go take care of your girl
Angela: Is he ever going to stop stealing my wife
Tim: Nope and she's mine.

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