Wheres Bradford and Chen

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Tamara's phone

Grey: Has anyone seen Chen and Bradford
Angela 🤍: where's bradford and chen
Tamara: probably in his office or something
Nyla:checked not there
Grey: i swear we the hell are they i need them for something
John: i saw them walking towards tim's truck earlier
Tamara: OH GOD NO
Angela 🤍: Tamara staying at mine tonight i'm going to take it
Tamara: yea yes i am
Dadford 🙄: What do yous want
Grey: and where are yous exactly
Dadford 🙄: we were sleeping but you guys chose to blow up our phones
Tamara: Where's my girl
Dadford 🙄: asleep
Angela: wait so why are yous asleep in the truck
Lucy 🩷: We tried to sleep in tim's office but Aaron kept asking 100 questions to annoy Tim, then we were going to try the break room but smitty pissed us off so the best place was the truck
Dadford 🙄: now yous woke Lucy so rip if you'd say the wrong thing
Lucy 🩷: you only get the free pass cause we are married and your letting lay on ur chest but if u
Tamara: Angela i've got my bag packed 😂
Lucy 🩷: also Tamara get that mind out the gutter and stop being dirty

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