im not moving

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Tim's phone

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Grey: Can any Bradford come to my office
Angela: Ooooo
Nyla: there in trouble
Celina: i'll say
Grey: no there not i just want to ask a question
Lucy: it's Tim, Can y'all shut up i have Lucy asleep on me Ellie has been staying up til god knows what time and wakes early
Angela: I wanna know why he gets a couch and we don't
Nyla: i second that
Lucy: be a high rank with a partner in the same station and a kid
Grey: Tim!
Lucy: yes sir
Grey: can i have Ellie for a night please me and luna miss her
Lucy: she isn't sleeping good we can't do that to you
Grey: well you both start work the second daycare opens and when it closes that's 10 hours a day let me take her so you guys  can rest
Lucy: Fine your on the pick up list btw 

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